Pen Pals

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A/N: OMG HI GUYS! This is my very first fanfic on my own! I am super excited to write my very own story and put my own personal twist to a Dabi x Reader fic!

Please be nice as it is my first book! I'm a new writer so my writing isn't the best. (I'm still learning as I go!) But I'm nonetheless ecstatic to share my passion with you!

If you'd like, please like and comment as you read! I'd love to hear your thoughts as you make your way through the story. I'm a sucker for Wattpad comments 😂

Now relax, grab a snack and some water, make sure to read the warnings, and enjoy this unique reader story!

"Shit!" I cursed as the words 'Game Over' flashed across the phone screen. The daunting laugh of the sorcerer echoed throughout my small office earning a loud groan from me. "Shut up! You just got lucky!"

The familiar feeling of dread began to crawl up my back as I placed my phone down and palmed my face.That was my last life left and my last chance to avoid the annoying victorious message I was about to receive.

My opponent takes his wins very seriously, might I say. You'd think the opportunity to hold bragging rights over me was the prize of a lifetime, or at least, to him anyway.

Anytime he does manage to beat me, I never hear the end of it. I can already hear his diabolical cackle of contempt as he boasts about this accomplishment.

Just as I accepted my fate, the chime of a new instant message rang through the air. I groaned again as I contemplated just ignoring the message and pretending this loss never happened. But, I knew that would be useless; we both know I wouldn't avoid him for very long.

He was my best friend after all. My egotistical best friend.

Deciding to just rip the band-aid off now, I flipped my phone back over and quickly maneuvered to our IM chat. Taking a deep breath, I clicked on the thread.

INMATE 67847:
That's embarrassing.

A scoff blew from my lips as I stared at his message.
What's embarrassing is his ego.

When you talk about yourself? I know.

I bit down on my lip as I waited for his reply. Knowing him, he always had something smart to say.

INMATE 67847:
I bet it took you a whole year to come up with that one, huh? Come on Y/N, don't be a sore loser now.

I'm not a sore loser! I just prefer to win, and when I don't, I get furious.

INMATE 67847:
Ooh ho, how scary! Ya got me shaking in my shackles over here.

A small grin pulled at my lips at our typical banter. Even though my pride was definitely a little bruised, I wouldn't trade this hour of the day for anything.

I looked forward to receiving his daily messages. My ears became accustomed to hearing the swoosh of an incoming email, signaling he was online and available.

Over the last four years, we've grown incredibly close. I could tell him just about anything, and eventually he opened up about his own past and reasons for our...current situation.

What situation, you ask? Well, the one that leads me to becoming a pen pal with Dabi, one of Japan's most notorious villains! Pretty crazy right?

It started as a simple project. I needed community service hours and a passing grade in my Behavioral Health class in college. In my search, I stumbled upon an article looking for people to volunteer in Japan's Villain Rehabilitation Program. There's nothing like a flashy banner that says 'Write To A Villian Today!' to spark your curiosity.

Pen Pal (Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now