Chapter 8

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I may have been possessed by a Sleeping God recently.

Listening to this aggressive and triumphant symphony performance made me sleepy, but I was still holding on. I couldn't always fall asleep in front of Lisa.

Just when I was struggling to stay awake with my tenacious will, and my head was starting to fall down bit by bit, Lisa held onto my little head and whispered, "Let's go out."

Then he took me out.

Me: "It's not over yet? We're just going to leave like this?"

Lisa: "If we don't leave, you will fall asleep again. This time is different from the last, you won't be able to go back to the dormitory if I can't wake you up. Do you want to spend the night with me outside?"

I blushed again.

Listen to his words, so ambiguous.

It was completely dark outside. There was a street lamp far away in the Zhongshan Park, and most of the buildings were hidden in the dark scenery.

Walking on the porch of the building that had carved beams and painted rafters, all I could think of were the dramas from the Qing dynasty.

At this moment, I didn't pay attention to a step, and with a 'bam', I knelt in front of Lisa.

The scene was too awkward, so I blurted out: "Hail the emperor."

Me: ......

F*ck, how come I felt even more embarrassed?

Lisa laughed loudly and then stretched out his hand to help me up: "My dear concubine, no need for such a big greeting."

I blushed and got up, only realizing after that he had said "dear concubine"...

So smoke started to rise above my head.

This person was really too much.

Didn't he have someone he liked?

"Don't you have someone you like?"

Me: ......

Oops, I let it out accidentally.

Lisa: "Who?"

I decided to go all out, "It's the finance class beauty from next door."

Lisa: "Who? I don't know her."

Me: "You're lying. Last time you swapped with Ji Chao to go volunteer with her. Don't think I don't know about that!"

Lisa froze for a moment, and then chuckled softly: "I went to volunteer instead of Ji Chao, not because of whatever class beauty you're referring to."

With that said, Lisa slowly approached me. In the dim light, he looked down at me, his eyes were surprisingly bright.

"It's because of you."


I finally understood what Ji Chao said back then, "Why are you such a blockhead!"...

Ah! I really was!

How could I be such a blockhead!

I stupidly asked, "Lisa, is the connection between us just because of a pair of underwear?"

Lisa raised his hand and patted my head: "Forget about the underwear, it's not important."

Me: "Then what's important?"

Lisa: "You are more important."


I think my feelings for Lisa had changed.

A Love Sparked by a Pair of Underwear (Lisrene)Where stories live. Discover now