Chapter 2

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Although our university was not as good as the Top 2 universities in China, R University was still a well-known elite university, so the school was full of talents.

However, under such fierce competition, Lisa still occupied a place at the top.

His father was a bass singer at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, and his mother was a well-known pianist in China. He came from a family of artists, yet he studied science and engineering at university.

Good-looking, well-educated, and smart.

Lisa naturally became a school hunk-level figure.

Of course, I recognized him, but he didn't recognize me.

But since Lisa was there that day, he would definitely know who had lost their underwear...

It seems that I had to meet him.


It was simply too easy to get Lisa's contact information. I asked anonymously on the school forum and received it immediately.

But I didn't dare to add him using my own WeChat account. I gave an epic skin from Honor of Kings in order to borrow my cousin's WeChat account.

After confirming that the Wechat Moments had been restricted and his information was correct, I sent him a friend request-

"Hello senior, I am your female junior, I want to ask you something."

One hour passed and there was no response.

So cold?

I sent a friend request again-

"Hello, senior, I really have something urgent I need to ask you."

Another hour passed, nothing happened.

Was it because there were too many girls adding Lisa, so he had learnt to automatically ignore them?

There was no other way, I could only use my trump card-

"Hello, senior, I heard that your friend's underwear was stolen."

This sentence indeed worked well. After half an hour, Lisa accepted my friend request.

Lisa: I'm sorry, I was doing some self-study just now and didn't look at my phone.

Me: ......

Was this the reason?

Lisa: My friend's underwear was stolen? Who did you hear this from?

I had an idea and said: I have to keep it secret.

Lisa did not reply.

I continued to talk nonsense: Senior, it's like this, my friend picked up some underwear on the road, the brand is CK, and it's black. Can you tell me who is the friend who lost the underwear? This way we can confirm it with your friend.

After the message was sent, I was relieved.

Sure enough, this reason was the safest.

To confirm, Lisa would definitely tell me who had lost their underwear.

When the time comes, whether it would be to return it secretly, give money to the other party, or buy a new one, my conscience would feel much better.

But Lisa did not reply for a long time.

Me: Senior?

Lisa: It's me.

Me: ? ?

Lisa: I am the one who lost the underwear.

Lisa: Excuse me, who are you?

Me: ......

I quickly blocked him.

After deleting Lisa, I was stunned for a full five minutes. I then opened the small cloth bag inside the plastic bag in my makeup case in the closet and stared at the underwear that was buried underneath.

F*ck, I actually took the school hunk's underwear!

Wait, is this unworn or does it still carry his scent?

I washed the underwear.

Of course it was not hand-washed.

A pair of underwear, washed using the washing machine, it even cost me eight yuan.

I felt that I was at a huge loss no matter how I looked at it.

Finally, I surreptitiously took the hair dryer to dry it and hid it back in the small cloth bag in the plastic bag in the makeup case in the closet.

I was thinking about how to secretly return the underwear.

After thinking for a long time....

There was no way at all!

At this moment, I had an idea.

Why don't I pretend to be the friend who had "picked up" the underwear?

So I took a deep breath and used my own WeChat account to send a friend request-

"Hello, classmate Shen, I am the classmate who found the underwear."

This time Lisa accepted my request immediately.

Me: Classmate Shen, just now my friend told me that you were the one who had lost their underwear.

Lisa: Why did she delete me?

Me: ......

Me: She was so shocked that she accidentally pressed the wrong button.

Ah, what kind of nonsense is this, no fool would believe it!

Fortunately, Lisa did not continue to probe.

Lisa: Take a picture, let me confirm it.

Me: Okay!

So I sent over the photo that I had used on the Taobao recognition interface earlier.

I thought Lisa would say that it was his, or that it wasn't his, but he said: The slippers look quite good.

I was startled, and then realized that he was talking about the little yellow duck slippers that had accidentally entered into the photo.

Alright, besides the white bucket hat and light green jacket, there was one more thing on the list of destruction.

I knowingly asked: Is it yours?

Lisa: Yes.

Me: Look, do I buy you a new one or should I transfer money directly to you?

Lisa: Transfer money to me?

Me: That's right.

Lisa: Why do you want to transfer money to me?

Me: To buy your underwear.

Lisa: ?


Did I say something treacherous?

Lisa: Can't you just return it to me directly?

No, of course not! If I give it back to you directly, then wouldn't I be exposed!

In case you recognize that I am the one who walked into the wrong locker room that day, do I still have face to stay in the R University? !

Me: Well, let's find a place, I will put the things there first, and you can go get it later.

Lisa: ? ?

Lisa: Is it necessary to go through so much trouble?

Me: I'm sorry, classmate Shen, I am too shy to give it to you face-to-face, besides, if someone sees, it'll be hard to explain.

Lisa paused for a few minutes before replying to me.

Lisa: Classmate Cui Irene, if you are embarrassed to come to me, I can go to you.

Me: ? ? ! !

Help, mother, why does this man know my name!

A Love Sparked by a Pair of Underwear (Lisrene)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang