"What is it?" Killian asked as the only one sitting at the table who was still left in the dark as to why the woman's name meant something.

"Marian used to be Robin's wife." Aramis began to explain knowingly, by now the Musketeers familiar with the story as well. "Before she..."

"Before she died." Odette finished for him. "We brought back Robin's dead wife."

"Mama?" Roland's little voice sounding from her lap had Odette giving out a small sigh as she helped the boy jump back down to the floor, after which he instantly ran into his mother's arms as the woman crutched down to scoop him up in a happy embrace.

"Roland. Oh, my baby. Roland." She fawned over him as she held him in her arms, Robin Hood moving to wrap his own around the both of them both of them.

"You? You did this?" Regina's emotional voice had Odette letting out a heavy sigh as she spared a glance to the woman. Even though her back was turned to their table, the blonde could only imagine what the expression on her face may look like as she watched the scene before her transpire.

"I just wanted to save her life." Emma tried to explain humbly, clearly uncertain on what to do in the situation.

And whether it was everything that was happening or the answer itself, the shift in Regina's shoulder which followed it was hard to miss. "You're just like your mother. Never thinking of consequences." Regina bit back, her voice full of hurt no matter how hard she was trying to mask it. "Well, you'd just better hope to hell, you didn't bring anything else back." She announced before turning on her heel, sparing no one a single glance as she passed them on her way back out of the diner, leaving Emma to rush out after her.

"This. This is what I meant by it possibly not being a good thing." Odette gave out a small sigh as she shared a look with Aramis, both remembering their short debate of how bringing someone's lost loved one could be a bad thing to do back in the past when Emma had first suggested it. Starting to rise from her seat, Odette decided it was best not to leave Emma and Regina alone in the moment considering their similar explosive personalities. "I'll go check on them."

Pulling on her jacket as she walked to the door, Odette spared one last glance at Robin and his family, not separated from their hug as Marian sputtered out the thousands of questions going through her mind. But instead of offering help there, she opened the door of the diner and made her way out into the night, catching the last ends of Regina and Emma's conversation before her arrival.

"And whatever she did, she didn't deserve to die."

"Well, maybe she did."

"Well, you would know. I saved her from you." Emma's sharp retort had Odette speeding through the last few steps separating her from the duo as she spoke up.

"Alright there, let's ease back down." She put a hand on Emma's shoulder, sending her goddaughter a somewhat scolding look which served as a silent message not to use Regina's past as an argument for current emotions.

"The woman who did that, that was the person I was, not the person I am." Regina reminded Emma as she tried to keep in the initial angry reaction she was about to show at the words. "I worked very hard to build a future, a future that's now gone."

"You don't know that." Odette turned to her friend with an optimistic look on her face. Yes, things were more complicated, but there was still a chance of Regina having what she wanted.

"Well, I know it's complicated enough that his dead wife is back!"

"Regina, for that, I'm sorry. If there is anything I can do to help-" Emma tried to offer, but never got her chance before Regina interrupted her again.

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