chapter 2 : parents' decision

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The Sun was slowly rising and Beomgyu was already up sitting on the balcony railing reading his book. He got so carried away by the story that he finished the whole book in about an hour. And after he finished it of course he felt bored. He put the book away and stretched his body when he noticed Mr Kim was looking for him in his room. "I'm here!" said Beomgyu and Mr Kim looked at him. "Good morning, you're up early." said Mr Kim. "I brought you breakfast." he added.

Beomgyu walked inside and looked at the food. "I'm not feeling hungry right now. You can leave it on the night stand." Mr Kim nodded and put the platter on the night stand.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Beomgyu shooked his head and Mr Kim left the room.
Prince sat down and looked at the food again.
He was disgusted by the luxury and amount of the food. He's always been so humble, all this disgustes him. He got an idea of taking the food and giving it to animals in the forest. Only thing he kept was an apple.

He tried to carefully sneak out of the resident and went to the forest through the garden. On his way back he decided to visit his little bird friend. He hid the platter behind the tree and climbed up. To his surprise he saw eggs in the nest and two birds. "Wow, little buddy you found yourself a partner? And you're having kids. That's so cute." One of the birds sat on Beomgyu's finger, most probably it was the one he met the previous day. "Do you want more worms? I will help you feed your kids later as well. Wait here." He put the bird down and digged in the ground again. This time one elder servant was walking in the garden watching Beomgyu wondering what is the prince looking for in the dirt. "Prince?" she asked. Beomgyu raised his head. "What are you doing?" Beomgyu took out his hand from the hole he digged and showed her the hand full of worms. She looked disgusted and gulped. "Your clothes are going to be dirty again, your parents will not like this."

Beomgyu shrugged and kept digging. The lady shooked her head in disbelief and left.
When he got enough worms he climbed up again and put the food on the branch so he doesn't hurt the eggs. "Here you go. Enjoy."
He took the platter and hid it inside of his shirt trying sneak inside inconspicuously.

Everyone in the hallways looked at him confusely but he managed to sneak the platter into kitchen. "Good morning Ms Ban."
Ms Ban was cutting some fruits when she heard the prince. She turned behind and smiled at him. "Good morning." Beomgyu walked closer to the counter and looked at the food. "Who's that for?" he asked as he took one strawberry. "Your mother." she replied. He kept stealing it piece by piece until she noticed the plate was half empty. "Hey! You'll be the one explaining your mother where it all went." Beomgyu laughed with a piece of mango in his mouth. "Okay, no problem." Ms Ban is young, she's only 20 and she understands Beomgyu pretty well. She found sympathy in the young prince. She's a bit shy and clumsy sometimes and prince makes her especially shy but she tries to hide it. "Is there something on my face?" asked Beomgyu. She stopped staring and started cutting the fruit again this time much faster.

He raised his eyebrows in confusion but didn't think about it much. "You should wash your hands." she said before she carried the plate to the queen. Beomgyu looked at his dirty hands and dirty knees. He washed his hands but kept the pants, he doesn't bother wearing perfectly clean and pretty clothes.
He went back to his room and sat on the bed. He remembered that he wants to make a joke for his parents. "What could I do?" he thought. He kept looking around the room and got some ideas. "Beomgyu?" his father knocked on the door. "Yes?" King ordered him to follow him so did.

"I have noticed your clothes are dirty once again."
Beomgyu looked at his knees and back at his father. "Do you need something?" asked Beomgyu curiously. "Just a small talk with my son, is there something wrong with that?'' asked his father. "No, of course not." The king took him to his workroom which was really unusual. He doesn't let anyone inside.

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