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We've had so much fun in the pool today, the kids have done nothing but laugh and so have I. Lisa's been amazing and I'm so glad I have her in my corner. We've just finished pizza, I wanted to treat them and then I'll cook tomorrow. Max and Aleah are laying on the larger sofa on opposite ends and Lisa and I are sharing the smaller sofa. We are finishing Frozen and I can see the kids nodding off.

Once the film has finished I get up and walk over to the kids, they are pretty much asleep so I pick Max up first and signal to Lisa I'm taking him to bed. She nods and smiles at me, god that smile is breathtaking. As I get to Max's room, I gently place him in his bed. Thankful we got them in there PJS after there showers, I pull the covers over him and he snuggles up to his many teddies that share the bed with him. I kiss his head and whisper goodnight and I love you. As I get to the door, I hear Max whisper back "night daddy, love you"

It brings tear to my eye to know he is already calling me that. I close his door and go to grab Aleah. I pick her up and see Lisa cleaning up all the mess, I get her attention and whisper
"You don't have to do that" she waves her hand to tell me to be quiet. I chuckle and walk to Aleah's room. Placing her carefully in her bed and covering her with blankets. She too snuggles up to her teddies and I see a small smile on her face.
I hear her whisper "thank you daddy. Love you"
Again I feel my emotions getting the better of me, I kiss her head and whisper  "goodnight and love you too lady bug"

I close her door and head back to the living room, which is pretty much clean now. I hear Lisa in the kitchen and as I walk in she is filling the dishwasher for me.
"You really didn't have to do that"
"I know but I'm happy to help. They go down okay?"
I nod "they both called me daddy" I let out a little chuckle and shake my "I never thought they would do that this soon"
"They love you Seb and they trust you. I never thought they would trust another adult again. But you've changed that"

"I feel so blessed to have them here. I just hope all this hurries so I can have them here permanently"
"I promise Seb, this is going a lot faster then normal cases because me and Suzanna are so happy with how the kids have taken to you. We are pushing for this to go to court as soon as possible"
I walk over to her and pull her into a hug "thank you Lisa. You've been amazing this whole time and I couldn't have done any of this without you"
She pulls away but I keep my arms around her, staring into her beautiful brown eyes I get this feeling in my stomach, a feeling I haven't felt in so long. Before I can second guess myself, I place my hand on her cheek and slowly lean in. She doesn't pull away so I connect my lips to hers. I instantly feel the sparks, this is what it's supposed to feel like.

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