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A blue axolotl washed up on shore. Clinging onto a green slimey egg. The axolotl was wounded. She looked around the shore she washed up on and sighed in relief. Their was no fishermen to harm her and the egg. "Oh jimmy were finally safe." She mumbled to the egg. She sat up and looked at her scaley legs. She noticed an arrow in her leg and whimpered. Setting down jimmy the egg she braced to pull the arrow out. She tugged hard and let out a scream and left the arrow alone. She snarled at it and mentally cursed.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" A voice called out.

"Oh no human!" The axolotl crawled towards a nearby bush and shoved jimmy in it. She tried fitting in the bush but...

"Um excuse me miss? Are you lost?

The axolotl fwipped her head around and the human jumped back at her bareing her teeth,"Dont land a hand on me!"

"Easy now! Im not here to hurt you!" The brown haired male said,"Whats your name?"

"My names....Lizzie." The blue axolotl said.

"Cool! My names Joel and um i own this land your on."

"Okay and? I own the ocean the stuff you drink."

"Really?" Apparently joel didnt notice lizzies harsh tone.

Lizzie nodded. Joel noticed the arrow in her leg and knelt down,"Want some help?"

"I said dont lay a hand on me." Lizzie stated but whinced in pain as she tried getting up.

"Please let me help ocean queen." Joel gripped the arrow,"On 3 okay?"
Lizzie nodded,"One....Two!" Joel pulled out the arrow and Lizzie screeched.


"Yeah it was a trick."

Lizzie thanked Joel and she stood up and wiped the sand off her dress. She almost forgot her brother.

"Ah jimmy!"


"My twin brother!!"

"You have a brother?"

"Yes yes!" Lizzie grabbed jimmy the slimey green egg and showed joel.

"Hows he your twin if he hasent hatched."

"Hes um..look we were born at the same time butttttt i dont think hes ready to hatch yet."

"How long ago was this?"

"About 2000 years ago." She said so calmly.

"WHAT??? YOU LOOK SO YOUNG!!" Joel exclaimed.

"I am young." Lizzie frowned.

"In human years thats alot lizzie!"

"Hmm....if i do my math right i think im 20 something in human years."

"Oh...well why dont i take you guys to my empire! And we can set your brother in a more....comfortable area for him to possibly hatch!"

"That would be lovely joel thank you very much!!"

"Of course."


"Here we are! Your guys bedroom till you go back to whereever your from!" Joel opened the door and showed Lizzie all the things in her room,"And heres jimmys bed!" Joel showed Lizzie a cradle with rockers.

"Its perfect thank you joel!" Lizzie pecked joels cheek and set jimmy down, she was admiring jimmy in the cradle while joel touched his cheek and was blushing like crazy.

"Y-your welcome!"

A cracking sound filled the room.

"Hes hatching!?" Joel exclaimed

"Yes! Finally jimmy! Cmon brother you got this!!"

A tail poked out the egg wiggling. More crackes started appearing then a bright glow filled the room and-

"OH MY GOD I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA BE A BABY??" Joel stared at jimny who was indeed not a baby but a full grown adult. He had brown goldenish hair with green goo from the egg hanging on his hair. He had scales on his cheek and fish fins for ears. He also had a tail.

"Ah well- its different for us sea creatures plus he was in an egg for 2000 years you expect him not to grow?"


"Lizzie!" Jimmy smiled happily and hugged his sister.

"Hi Jimmy guess what?"


"Were finally safe from the fishermen! And joel here is gonna let us stay!"

" Thats great!!"


"Yes..."jimmy looked at the other male," Being in an egg im not deaf and i had lizzie talking to me everyday."

"You guys must be excited to finally see eachother then." Joel said pointing at the fact they had not let each other go.

"Very!" They both said


"Yeah sis?"

"Your not wearing clothes."

"Raising the Cod Father." A Seabling story {Empires smp S1Where stories live. Discover now