Chapter 1: The Unexpected

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     The sound of metal clashing against metal could be heard from the school courtyard. The sun was shining, and the breeze was gentle, blowing soft pastel-colored pink flower petals from the tall trees above through the air as they added a beautiful softness to the current scene.

     The gentle breeze blew through dark black hair, half tied into a ponytail and half down, flowing with the owner's movements. The hair was adorned with delicate light brown in certain areas, slowly fading to the bottom.

      His hair framed his face as he moved swiftly, shifting with him and his stance as he gracefully shifted his feet to accommodate his weight. He reacted just as smoothly to the other young master's movements and attacks forced at him.

     On his face covering his left eye was a black eyepatch with a single rose decorating it. His right eye could be seen as he glared at his opponent with heated focus. Its color was a beautiful purple and almost seemed to glow as the sunlight hit it.

     The other young man was also gracefully dancing on his feet as he moved, dodging and shifting out of the way of the other's attacks.

     The two were avoiding the other's movements and strikes as if they were opposing magnets, pushing away from each other. It truly was a spectacle worth watching.

     The other young students who were watching this entanglement were equally stunned at the beauty behind the two young men's movements, their faces showing as such.

     The other young master had radiant skin, fair and softly colored. His jawline was strong, and his eyes were fierce as he focused on the current task at hand.

     His hair was more voluminous, thick with curls as it blew in the wind, and bounced beautifully as he moved. It was more cared for than the smaller boy's silky straight hair.

     Sparks flew as the two of their weapons collided fiercely.

     Suddenly the young man with the brown-faded hair momentarily lost balance and the other gained the upper hand, bringing his sword down dangerously close to his abdomen.

     He didn't move it any closer, but a smirk appeared on his face as he knew he had won this round.

     "Stop!" An older figure dressed in white yelled with their hand raised, causing the two to stop amidst their sparring

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     "Stop!" An older figure dressed in white yelled with their hand raised, causing the two to stop amidst their sparring.

     Both were panting and sweating from rushing around and using harsh force on the other to try and gain the upper hand.

     The two young men sheathed their weapons once more into the hilts that rested on their waists with elegance and grace.

     They turned their attention toward the elder who commanded them to halt, facing him with straight poise and focus.

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