Letter From Heaven

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Dear Y/N,
This is the first letter I can remember writing, and I'm thankful it's to you. It's probably also the last letter I'll ever write. If it is then I'm sorry. If you're reading this without having your head on my shoulder it means I didn't make it. I'm sorry for promising to come back to you, but at the time I really thought I would. I was so sure that I'd get to come home to you everyday and go to sleep by your side every night. I can promise this. We'll still do those things and so much more. It's just going to take longer than we wanted. I don't know how I died, but I'd rather do that than turn into one of those. I wouldn't be me anymore. I don't know if I'd know who you are. That's what scares me. Not being able to remember everything and not dying who I really am. I want to remember you, from the way you can never just laugh quietly to the way your eyes look in just the right light. When I die I'll be thinking of your voice and how your hands feel in mine. This isn't the end though. One day I'll see you here. Alby can yell at us, and Chuck will keep insisting on being our adopted child. I'll miss you while I'm here though, but you'll arrive one day. I call you Angel for a reason. If by some chance I'm alive as myself pull the ring out of the envelope. Don't question how I got it. Y/N, will you marry me?

Yours only and forever,

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