ALTERNATIVE ENDING (I like this one better).

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Okay, you all can thank Droopy2525 for this. Enjoy ;)
Alan's P.O.V.:

I stood at the kitchen counter, my mind moving as slow as molasses as I got ready for the day ahead. I picked up a cup of coffee from the counter, Kellin made it.

I took a huge gulp before spitting the whole mouthful out across the counter, black. Black coffee. "Sick." I slammed the mug down and picked up the other mug, cursing myself for not checking who's cup it was.

"Seriously, babe?" Austin chuckled kissing my cheek and picking the cup of coffee up, licking drops from running down the sides. His grin was a mile wide watching my sleeping face grumble about the coffee.

"Did he drink your coffee again?" Kellin asked as he rushed into the kitchen grabbing an orange slice from the plate.

I scoffed, "Its not like it happens regularly."

Austin laughed again and Kellin raised his eyebrows at me while he slid the orange in his mouth, peel side out. I couldn't help but let a corner of my mouth slip up while he grinned like the peel was his teeth. "You're cute, darling." I kissed his cheek and felt my insides go warm at the blush on his cheek.

"You're both cute." Austin grabbed a handful of my and kissed Kellin on the other cheek. "And you're both going to make us all late. Alan, you're still in your boxers!" I lifted a shoulder nonchalantly. "Get dressed." He advised.

"That's not what you were saying the other night," I winked and sauntered off to the bedroom knowing they were both watching my

Though I was grumpy this morning, I honestly could not be happier. My heart was torn when Kellin walked out of that classroom the first time we all hooked up. It took a while to figure out what I was, and it took a lot of patience from both Austin and Kellin, but we all agreed this was what was best for the three of us. Kellin turned eighteen and moved in with us, we got a bigger bed, and now our relationship was completely legal. I was soon to graduate college, Kellin was entering his second semester of his freshman year, and Austin was still a super hot teacher at the high school Kellin had went to. It couldn't get any better than this, I'm sure.

I was pulling an Against Me! shirt over my head when I felt cold hands slip around my waist, fingers resting right inside my boxers, breath hot on my neck. "You know I can't handle myself when you walk like that." I grinned at Kellin's words

"Like what?" I turned and gave him innocent eyes.

"You know what." He almost growled against the skin of my neck. "When your hips sway...its mesmerizing." He kissed my neck, and I let myself fall back against the wall of our closet.

"Kells, we'll be late." I sighed, but not pushing him off.

"Austin!" He called out. "Aus!" I heard Austin come down the hall to the room. Kellin quickly shuffled his skinnies off and we both put on big eyes for the poor man.

"Wha-Holy" he swallowed and looked between the two of us. "Before you say it, no. No. We cannot keep missing schoo-"

"Please?" Kellin begged, moving to put his hands on Austin's chest.

"Yeah, please?" I moved behind Kellin, my head resting on his shoulder. I pouted and wrapped my arms around Kellin to palm the front of Austin's pants, "Its Friday."

Decisions, Decisions.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora