Part 3

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Kellin's P.O.V.:

When Vic invited me to the party, I was prepared to say no. He, however, was prepared for my answer, and had taken measures to not accept it...such as carrying me out of my house with a promise to my mom that he would have me at school tomorrow, safe and sound.


I moped the entire way there, and was prepared to mope some more..when he introduced me to Alan.

Let me tell you a thing, Alan was everything Austin was not.

Alan was almost a foot shorter than him, he had adorable red hair that was currently under his beanie (but his longer hair was hanging out of the sides, framing his face.) He had plump pink lips that contrasted almost unrealistically against his powder white skin that was littered with freckles. Where Austin was wildly intelligent, Alan made up for in wit and sarcasm. Austin was almost shy, but Alan was bold and flirty. It was comical, how I could go from one extreme to the other. Alan made me feel welcome, and wanted where Austin seemed unsure of his feelings to the point of pushing me away. I wanted to be near Alan, I wanted to see where this could go. I liked him right away.

I liked him even more when he took me outside and sat with me in the lukewarm summer air. We sat sipping our sodas, talking about absolutely nothing, casting coy glances at each other. Finally, he asked me somewhat nervously, "So, are you seeing anyone?"

I internally groaned, I thought for a moment. "Well...there's this guy," I started testing his reaction, he looked curious, a welcome reaction to the way I originally thought he would react.

"Go on.."

"Well, I don't think I should be seeing him. On top of that, he's..been sort of a jerk lately. He makes me feel...unwanted. Almost used. He doesn't ever recognize how I feel, and..yeah." I furrowed my eyebrows at the pain Austin had caused me. It felt good to talk about it with someone who seemed supportive.

"Why are you with him then?" he asked.

"I guess.." I thought for another moment, "I guess...he's just not the person I thought he was." I decided a moment later. "He started out really sweet. Maybe he's just scared. Our relationship is kind of dangerous, after all." I concluded, trying to make excuses for him.

"Do you really want to be with someone who is afraid to be seen with you? Or afraid of the feelings he has for you?" Alan's eyebrows lifted, "It doesn't seem like it would be a very healthy relationship to me." He shrugged and took another sip of his soda.

I nodded, "You're probably right." I sighed. " I just- I invested a lot of feelings I guess." I rubbed my eyes and forehead, "Stupid." I muttered to myself, wrapping my arms around my knees feeling childish for my hope for Austin and I.

"Hey," Alan's hand was rested under my chin, making me face him. "Your feelings are relevant. Not stupid." He didn't break eye contact, "Just because it seems like they aren't important to him, doesn't mean that they aren't important in general. Some people don't think brushing their teeth is important." I giggled, "Does that make it any less important?" he asked with a smile bringing up a corner of his lips, and I shook my head. "Exactly." He pecked my lips letting them linger a second before pulling away to sip at his drink again.

I was dumbfounded, "Wha-" I let out a surprised breath, "Did you just kiss me?"

He lifted a shoulder, a cute smirk on his mouth. "I couldn't help it. Your lips look so delectable when you smile," He was leaning very closely to me, and I could smell the cherry from his drink, his voice was low and it brought me in to him.

"Delectable?" I questioned dumbly, our eyes focused on each other's lips.

"Mmhm." He hummed before connecting our lips again slowly. It was a dull heat, that I could feel building into something more. His lips connected to mine over and over, building momentum, and soon we were making out, our drinks forgotten next to us. I felt his hands come up to touch my face and I let my hands rest on his thighs. After a few minutes of kisses, Alan pulled away, breathless.

Decisions, Decisions.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat