Chapter 14

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Brim was prancing on the fields again. His designated touching grass moment had arrived after a good month of a code-crunching spree.

Now, he wasn't in FarmerTale again. He was back at it again in the Omega Timeline, except he was in the wilderness again.

He is not going to get detained today.

Other than a bounty that is out for them, Brim spotted a nice lake.

Clear water, free from pollution, and it basically appears to be neutral territory for a bunch of animals. How can Brim tell this? They watched a couple of wilderness videos that sometimes mentioned how water sources were needed by all animals in the environment, so no fights.


Let's go to the bottom of the lake!

They can't swim, but they're a skeleton, they got no lungs.

Brim throws their bucket hat like a frisbee to the side of the lake and takes off the rest of their clothes.

Wait, Brim paused from taking off their shorts. They have no swimming trunks... Is he gonna have to steal again?

Shameful memories of stealing flashed through Brim's skull. There has to be another way. He has a bounty on his head, he's not going to make it worse.


Hold on, can't he create stuff?

Brim squats down in shame. He forgot that he could also create things.

After learning the Way of Destruction, he totally forgot that he could create as well. He even created his work clothes after he was born.

Okay, solution done. Let's do it.

Brim is crying again.

Why the fuck was making swimming shorts so hard.

They literally had to pull up a MultiTube video on pattern making about shorts. That was the easy part. Then he had to literally learn geometry in order to get in the slopes needed for the pattern.

One small mercy was when he had to learn about the materials needed for the shorts, it came to his mind more easily. Perhaps it was Daddy Dearest's work with making them able to understand molecules better.

But fucking broke him was that he had to implement the physics of the thing.

They did create their janitor/work clothes when he was first born, but apparently it was a one time thing.

It was like those beginner benefits in games, and then you were left to fend for yourself after using it up.


Was this why the Creator sometimes went crazy when creating worlds? Was this why those AUs had a bunch of useless code?

Was this why the Creator's memory was so shit, because of all the shit he had to know?

Maybe this was why Error still somehow maintained their reasoning, their logic. Because this was fucking migraine-inducing and explosion prone.

Holy shit.

Still half naked, but lying down on the grass like a dead man, Brim stared at the blue sky of the Omega Timeline with tears silently running down his face. He had already passed the depression phase of the process of grief, into acceptance.

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