preparing for Zabuza Momochi

Start from the beginning

"I checked the West and nothing suspicious to report either." Said Akira nodding.

"Good. Go and check in on Ino and Choji." Said Asuma walking over.

"Yes Sensei." Said the two twelve year olds.
They headed off to the back. They were helping gather information on the enemy at a safe distance.
Asuma looked and saw Sakura had heart eyes while looking at Sasuke. He sighed and said sturnly, "Get back to practicing Sakura! You are the weak one on the team!"

Sakura flinched and started to tear up and got up and she actually started to cry because her muscles hurt. They weren't that bad, but she was making them out to be worse in hopes that Sasuke would come help her. Asuma realized that his clone had dispelled itself and he can got the memories. He sighed and he remembered that she tried to get Sasuke to help get her out of the practice battle with Kakashi's clone.

Asuma went up to his room to get some things to help his team get stronger. He asked Kakashi if he was okay with him helping Akira learn some Jursu's. Kakashi said he was fine with it and it would help.
He left his room and saw Kakashi coming back from the bathroom.

"I'm impressed that You can keep your cool with Sakura. She is a disgrace to Kunoichi's." Said Asuma with a shake of his head.

"She's not the best one on the team. I was think of letting the Hokage know that Sakura isn't ready to be a Ninja. I looked over Genin's who lost their teams and I found a replacement and I just need to talk to the Third about it." Said Kakashi with a nod.

Asuma nodded. He thought that would be for the best for her. She wasn't ready and couldn't understand that being a Ninja is more then what she thinks it is. The two Jouin found out that the academy has changed and is much more harder on kids who aren't born in a Ninja family. This would hopefully show Sakura she won't get away with being a fan girl and trying to act strong when she isn't.

He went back out and saw his team coming back with Akira. He told them that he was teaching them a formation that worked with Akira and they liked that. They could protect Akira better then her own team can. He showed Akira a water Jutsu that she could use. She could make a bunch and they were very fast.


They headed in side the house for lunch. They were all tired from training but Akira and her friends were satisfied with how their training had went. Sasuke was pleased he could almost destroy the clone of Asuma. Sakura had cuts and sores from her fight with Kakashi's clone. She had dried tears on her checks her Sasuke-kun didn't come to help her. They went to get cleaned up from their training.

Akira went first because Sakura had fallen asleep. She was so tried from training. Akira got cleaned and washed her hair. She smiled as she got tried and changed into a clean Ninja outfit. She fixed her hair to her normal heir style and then she left the bathroom. She walked in and saw that Sakura woke up and she went to take a bath. She was worried that she broke a nail or got a permanent mark on her skin

Akira rolled her eyes and she left the room. She saw Shikamaru come out and she smiled at him. "I can't believe I'm on the same team as her. She isn't a real Ninja." Said Akira.

"I don't blame you. She shouldn't have gotten into the academy. My dad told me that the academy is different thanks to a lot of fighting with some other council members." Said Shikamaru. Akira nodded at that. She heard Kakashi saying something about a change happying in the academy. He didn't know much since he isn't in the council.

They got to the table and sat down. They saw that Kakashi was there and asked how he is feeling. "I'm doing better. I will be taking it easy, but I'll be back to helping Sasuke and Sakura train tomorrow." Said Kakashi with an eye smile.

"That's good. You should be fine and more steady then. Keep using the cruches and you'll be back in action sooner." Said Akira. Kakashi nodded. He knew to listen to Medical Ninja's over the years.

Soon Ino, Sakura and Sasuke came down. Sakura was so tried to even see how cute Sasuke looked with his hair wet. Ino sat on the other side of Akira and Choji sat on the other side of Asuma and across Sasuke.

They thanked Tsunami for the food and they ate happily. Inari was quitely eating his food. He hasn't said much to the two teams and his family. He was getting annoyed with Sakura claiming that Sasuke can take out Gaito and Zubuza.

"You should just give up! You can't stop him! Gaito is powerful and can have you killed! Just give up! You don't know what it's like to lose someone!" Inari snapped as he breathed hard. Everyone looked surprised at the kid's sudden outburst.

"You have know right to say that." Said Akira looking down. She knew the sacrifice her parents made to stop the Nine Tailed Fox and she also knew how much it hurt her brother and sister.

"I lost my parents to a demon fox attack on my village. I was born on that day and I never knew them. They risked their lives to save everyone. I'm proud of what they did. My Sensei and brother lost his own Sensei. Us Ninja's don't always know if we are going to come home to our families or not. You have know idea the pain we Ninja's go through. You don't even know what pain is! I had a few people from my own village try to kill me because of a burden I had no choice in. Instead be like your grandpa and fight! You can't be a scared brat that just think giving up is the only option!" Akira snapped at the kid and she took some of her food and left. She went to a tree near by and sat on a branch high up.

Back inside the house Inari left the room crying still
"Is that true?" Asked Tezuna sadly.

"Yes. We can't say much, but she went through a lot. Most of our villager love Akira. It's just some lower ranked Ninja's who are the reason of some of her attacks." Said Kakashi. He went to talk to the young kid. Shikamaru went to talk to Akira. He knew she needed someone right now.

The day went on. Akira and Shikamaru stayed up in the tree for a few more hours. They had dinner outside and Akira just went to bed after she did some more training and Shikamaru stayed to make sure she didn't over due it.

Shikamaru told Kakashi about Akira and he was glad she is okay and didn't push herself. He is glad she is a Medic Nin and knew not to go to far. Shikamaru went to bed with everyone else and they were all asleep when they layed down.


Enjoy! I'm going to try to update again soon. Thank you for reading everyone. I'll try to update my other stories soon. I think I have a idea for one of them.

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