Chapter 6

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The next day, Nick woke me up saying I had to go with Monroe while he and Juliette went to work. when we got to Monroe's house, Monroe told me not to touch any of his clocks. "Why?" I asked. "Because I don't want them to brake."  He told me. "Why?" I asked. "Because they're very special to me." Monroe said. "Why?" I asked. Monroe sighed. " How about we go to the park, yeah?" "Okay." I said.

When we got there, I was a little scared because I thought the bad men were gonna try and take me. "Don't worry El, nobody's gonna take you away. I promise." Monroe reassured.

I went on a swing for a while and I heard a weird noise. That's when I realized it was coming from Monroe's small box thing. "Hey Nick. What up? Oh, I'm just here at the park with Eleanor. Okay, do you want me to leave her with Rosalie? Okay, we'll be there shortly. El we have to go help Nick with something, okay? " "okay." I said as we made our way to Monroe's car.

A little while later, we made it to a strange looking place with some weird buildings. Monroe parked and opened the door for me to get out. I gave him a confused look. "Don't worry, you'll understand in a minute."  I followed him to a weird thing that sorta looked like a small house.

Monroe knocked on the door of the thing and said, "Nick it's me and El." Nick then opened the door to the weird thing, "Hey Monroe, hi El. Monroe I need your help. It's a you-know-what problem."

( by the way, this story takes place a few days before Juliette goes into the coma in case you guys were wondering. Now back to the story.)

I had no idea what they were talking about, but I followed them into the thing. I saw a whole bunch of weird looking jars with stuff in them, some old looking books and a lot of other weird stuff.

"Nick, do you think we should explain everything to her?" Monroe asked. "She might be super confused though." Nick replied. "Confused about what?" I asked them and they looked at me. "Let's just ease her into it." Monroe told Nick.

"El, have you ever seen anyone's face change?" Nick asked. "No. Why?" I told him. "Here, just look at these books." He told me as he handed me one of the old books. I opened it and saw some weird drawings. I looked up at Nick and Monroe, confused.

"It's a long story." Nick told me.

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