Chapter 5

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When I woke up, I smelled food. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I heard Rosalie talking to someone in the other room. I followed the sounds and saw Monroe and Rosalie talking. " good morning. Did you sleep good? " Rosalie asked and I nodded. "That's good. Nick is coming over and he wants you to meet a very special friend." Rosalie told me. "Friend? What is friend?" I asked, confused.

"A friend is someone you care about. Someone who helps you with stuff. And don't lie to your friends. Unless it's a good lie. Like if someone is planning a surprise party and you don't want your friend to know, then it's okay to lie." Monroe told me. "Like Nick, Hank, Monroe, and I. We're friends and we help each other with stuff and tell each other everything." Rosalie said.

"Friend." I pointed to Rosalie. "Friend." I pointed to Monroe. "Yes. We're your friends." Rosalie said, before giggling. Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Don't worry, it's just Nick." Monroe reassured. He then opened the door and i saw Nick. "Hello Eleanor." Nick said. I was confused, but he said, "Oh. I forgot you don't know your name. Your real name." I gave him a confused look. "Your name is Eleanor. Do you understand?" "Yes. Eleanor." I said. "Very good. Maybe we should give you a nickname. Do you know what a nickname is?" Nick said and I shook my head.

"A nickname is like a shorter version of your name or a different word. Like Nick, his full name is Nicholas, but we call him Nick." Monroe said. "How did you know that?" Nick asked. "Trust me dude, I know." Monroe told him. "Anyways, maybe your nickname could be El. Do you like that?" Rosalie asked and I said, "Yes." "Okay, we should go before Juliette yells at us for being late." Nick said. "Okay." I said. "Bye El, we'll see you later." Rosalie said "Bye Rosalie. Bye Monroe." I said as Nick and I walked out the door.

When we got to the house, Nick said, "Okay, when we get inside, say 'Hello Juliette.' Got that?" "Hello Juliette." I repeated. "Good job. Now let's go." Nick said. He then went to the door at the back and opened it for me. I got out and he led me to the door. Nick then unlocked and opened the door. "Juliette, I'm home." Nick called out. "I'm in the kitchen." A woman's voice called out. "Stay behind me for a minute. I didn't tell Juliette about you, so we have to keep it a secret until I say, okay?" Nick said and I nodded. I followed behind him closely.

"Hi." Juliette said. "Hi." Nick replied. "So, I was thinking about going to that Chinese place and getting takeout for dinner. "Um, okay. Sounds good." Nick replied. "Are you okay? You seem off." Juliette said. "Yeah. I have to show you something." Nick said. "Okay, what is it?" Juliette asked. Nick then moved aside to reveal me. "Juliette, meet Eleanor. Or El for short. El, meet Juliette." Nick introduced. "Hello Juliette." I said before looking down at the floor. "Hi. Nick why is she here?" Juliette said. "Uh I found her in the woods with Monroe." Nick told her. "You found this girl in the woods? When?" "A few days ago. I took her to Monroe's and Rosalie helped clean her up." Nick said.

Juliette crouched down to my level. "Well it's nice to meet you El. Nick, is she staying for dinner?" Juliette said, looking up at Nick. "Yeah. I wanted her to meet you." Nick told her. " Well let's go then." Juliette said. The three of us then went to the Chinese place to get food. At the time I didn't know what Chinese food was, but I was hungry, so I didn't really care.

Later, Nick and Juliette set up their guest room so I could sleep there that night. I ended up falling asleep really fast because I didn't notice how tired I was.

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