He then gestures the alpha to sit in front of the mirror. He applies the beetroot powder on the alpha's cheek to give them a little shade of red. He then picks up the flower earing along with the necklace putting them on the alpha.

Jungkook being the epitome of beauty, looked very gorgeous and ethereal.

"Now come, let's not keep your alpha waiting.",with that Jin drags Jungkook along with him to the royal hall where the rituals were to be taking place.

There were murmurs of the Phoenix's pack members who seemed more that excited for their head alpha's wedding. All of them were dressed up in yellow colored hanboks and hanfus which if watched from the sky looked like a field of sunflowers.

The whole phoenix was painted yellow, from small kids to old people, everyone was wearing yellow. The alpha's of the pack started playing music which was their ritual music carried on from years. The playing of the music was the indication of the arrival of their luna.

Taehyung who was sitting on a small, flat stone in the middles of the hall, turns his head towards the soure of lavender which was invading his senses. Although he couldn't see much from the position he was sitting in as he was surrounded by the pack members who were gasping as if they just witnessed god descending from heaven.

Taehyung could here the murmurs of his pack members who were gushing about their Luna's beauty. Taehyung so wanted to get up from his place just to have a small glance of his fated one but controlled himself.

His wait was cut short when Jin asked Jungkook to sit on the stone placed beside Taehyung. Taehyung's soul almost left his body when he got the first glance of his fated one. Taehyung knew that his fated one is beautiful, no one else more than him could describe the beauty of his fated one.

Alpha Taehyung's eyes follow each and every movement of Jungkook. From him coming to stand beside him to finally settling on the stone near him. It was unreal.

The rituals began with Namjoon applying some turmeric paste wrapped in a mango leaf on the trueblood's face and arms. Jin too applyed the turmeric paste which was infused with other essence on the trueblood's cheeks and arms. The queen who was looking more than happy today, too did the same.

All the pack members one by one came forward to complete the ritual. Some were in tears while applying the paste to their head alpha. Marriage was something very precious and watching their head alpha experience the same brought tears in their eyes.

After the ritual of applying turmeric to alpha Taehyung was over, it was Jungkook's turn.

The alpha who didn't raise his head even once during the whole ritual with alpha Taehyung was now observing how Jin scraped some turmeric paste from alpha Taehyung's cheeks in a mango leaf.

He then turned to Jungkook before applying the same paste on Jungkook's cheeks. Only the royal omega, it being Jin was allowed to apply the ritual paste to Jungkook.

"Alpha Taehyung, please do the pleasure of applying the paste from your scent gland on our Luna's scent gland. ", Jin requests Taehyung who replies with a nod.

Alpha Taehyung then turns towards the male sitting beside him. He then scrapes the paste from his scent gland from his fingers. The trueblood brings his hand towards the alpha's neck. Both the mates were looking into each others eyes while performing this ritual. Taehyung still was in dilemma on how can Jungkook hold his stare for so long.

Taehyung pulls the alpha's hanbok's collar a little away from his scent gland before applying the turmeric paste which was now wafting of his own pinewood scent. Jungkook subconsciously tilts his neck to the opposite side to give the trueblood more access to his scent gland.

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