Let Me Help 🍀[Komahina]🍊

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[A/N: We need more Hajime comfort!!!]


Hajime had been stuck on a task for what felt like hours at this point. He couldn't bear asking for help, especially from his sweetheart, Nagito Komaeda. They wouldn't understand, especially with their talent complex. It has gotten better, but jeez it was getting difficult to determine what mindset their lucky star was in.

Sure, Hajime could just switch to Izuru for the moment to get him to help, but that would be for the 15th time during the one hour. Yes, this has been going on for an hour or so despite how tired and frustrated his brain was feeling. He wanted to cry, but he didn't want to admit defeat to his own disability.

What disability you may be wondering about? A case of Dyslexia - although it is maths he struggles with the most, he doesn't do much better with reading or writing, but he can manage. 

The only two people to know that he has Dyslexia is his ex-boyfriend who was currently on a Future Foundation mission with his lover so he couldn't really contact him. The other person... was Chiaki - and she was no longer around in this world.

"For fuck sake!" Hajime shouted out loud, having enough of looking at what was in front of him and how much of a maze it seemed to feel like in his head. Although maybe the shouting wasn't a good idea... considering Nagito was in the kitchen brewing some tea and coffee. 

Hajime could hear some cluttering from the kitchen of cups as if the ultimate luck almost dropped them. Hajime just sighed silently before standing up and walking towards the kitchen as he was only in the living room so he was fairly close.

"Hey, need... a hand?" Hajime offered with a forced smile, trying to find some form of distraction to avoid the problem he was dealing with. Although the only response he got was a shake of the head from his sweetheart before they eventually turned to face Hajime.

Their face seemed to be a bit paler and fragile looking - but I mean, they are going through treatment for their cancer so it was understandable why they'll seem a bit weak and tired. The only support they had was the walking stick they used constantly. Their own body couldn't handle the treatment but Nagito was doing amazingly well. Hajime was proud of his love, and he can't wait to spend the rest of his life with the dork.

Hajime didn't even realise he was actually staring at Nagito. The fluff-ball known as white hair poofed out more than usual, indicating that they had just woke up not too long ago, and they were only wearing a silk green robe too around their own body that hid most of the skeletal figure they had but it was slowly getting built up, so it's progress at this point.

"Hajime~" Nagito sang, giggling towards their love. The way they sang brought the poor boy back to reality, only for his face to fluster red instantly.

"Ah! Sorry!"

"No need to apologise, my ultimate hope." Nagito continued giggling as they placed the cups onto the kitchen counter so they could pull their love close. "But I should be asking YOU. Are you okay...?" Their tone shifted almost instantly, causing Hajime to flinch before just hesitantly sighing.

"Just some stuff the future foundation gave me. It's..." he trailed off at the end, trying to figure out what words to use but he couldn't think of any. His brain wasn't processing anything at all right now and it was making himself mad! Thankfully though, Nagito noticed and thought for a bit before letting him go from their embrace.

Daily Matters [Danganronpa One-Shots] [MattersAU]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat