Maleficent 2 Part 11

Start from the beginning

Jay just grinned at her, while Audrey began blushing and with a huff looked away.

Aurora followed Gerda to her spot and took a seat next to Diaval. The engineer gently pushed her in, then stepped back and moved to stand beside Percival. Aurora nodded at the soldier, whom she had only met on occasion but had heard plenty about from Phillip. The young man looked anxious, his face drawing into a frown as he returned her nod. Across from her, Phillip and his parents were ushered into their seats as well.

While she felt uncomfortable with the formality, the royal family looked completely at ease. They probably eat like this every night, Aurora thought before she turned to watch Maleficent approach the table. The chair meant for her was ornate, complete with a high back and heavy armrests. Aurora realized there was no way Maleficent would be able to sit in it with her wings. Luckily, Diaval had come to the same conclusion and, jumping to his feet, found a stool to replace the chair. Nodding to him, Maleficent sat, folding her huge black wings behind her.

The tops of her wings towered behind her, making it appear as if she were sitting on a black throne even taller than those of King John and Queen Ingrith.

Audrey whispered to Mal"It is so awkward and tension is so thick that I can cut it with a knife."

Mal nodded agreeing with her and replied"I feel my mother is holding in too much of her annoyance."

Audrey nodded agreeing with Mal, they have grown close over time.Also Audrey was now close to Maleficent.

As Maleficent settled herself, a huge cat, Arabella, lumbered over. Eyeing Diaval, she climbed onto her own chair and began to groom herself.

Diaval frowned and said"I hate that cat."

Maleficent nodded and added"Me too."

Maleficent remembered how these small triggers where the reason she exploded at the time of dinner.She didn't like remembering it since there was Aurora's betrayal that hurt her a lot.

Dival calmed her down, while Mal,Audrey,Jaffar and Regina noticed this and they noticed Aurora was also had guilty expression, so they knew something happened during this time and it was every

A moment later, the servants set gold dishes in front of the guests. Aurora looked down, impressed. She had known this was an important dinner, but she hadn't expected such fine treatment. Then again, given what she had seen of the castle thus far, perhaps this was just regular royal treatment. Lifting her goblet, also made of gold, to her lips, Aurora sipped as she took in the rest of the table. Everything was opulent, from the golden plates and candlesticks to the multiple pieces of silverware. The servants then ushered out an impossible amount of food, all covered with metallic domes. But while the table was full, Aurora noticed it lacked any flowers or natural decoration. Whenever she held a dinner in the Moors, her table was full of flowers. Satisfied that everyone was ready, Ingrith slowly removed the lid of the first dish. On it was a whole game hen. Aurora swallowed nervously as she looked to Maleficent for her reaction.

"Roasted bird," the Dark Fey said. "Delicious." Beside her, a servant put a game hen in front of Diaval. The man stared at in horror, and Aurora felt a wave of sympathy. There was no way Diaval would eat a bird. He was a bird.

Jaffar frowned and said"That is definitely at jab at Maleficent, probably even Dival if she already knew his identity."

Mal glared at Ingrith and said"Ohh I am sure she definitely knew, after all she seems to have done a lot of research on my Mom and Aurora."

John and Philip sighed, while Regina added"She seems to have been planning this for year's and this is definitely not a normal hate for fairfolk, but something much stronger."

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