The Promise Pt.3

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Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother Sokka and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. Although his airbending skills were great, he had a lot to learn before he was ready to save anyone. But from the day I first met him, I believed Aang would save the world. And you know what?

I was right. With the help of his friends, Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai and ended the Hundred Year War. Zuko, Ozai's son and our ally, became the new Fire Lord. Together with Earth King Kuei, The Dragon of the North Lü Bu, Aang and Zuko promised to restore the four nations to harmony.


The episode opens with four separate frames. A storm rages; rain falls from clouds hanging low in the air over a range of mountains; the puddles of water on the ground splash outward as Fire Nation soldiers rush through them. The third frame switches the view to the front of the soldiers; as they run, with the mountains silhouetted behind them, lightning splits the sky.

The final of the four frames is a close-up of an Earth Kingdom soldier; he has his helmet pulled down over his eyes, revealing only his mouth, which betrays a barely-formed snarl. The shot pulls out to reveal the full scene: Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom forces clash in the tempest, each side supported by tanks and bending. Zuko and Aang stand atop the mountain, watching the battle with concern, while a shadowed Roku and Ozai, respectively, stand behind them.

Zuko: One moment, I know, deep in my heart, that I must defend my people. But then the next, doubt creeps in. Maybe I'm supposed to follow through with the Harmony Restoration Movement.

Ozai shadow: Prove yourself worthy of the throne, my son!

Zuko: Aang, how am I supposed to figure out what's right when his voice is all I hear?! You could have silenced him forever... perhaps then I could have found peace! But you didn't, and now I can't!

Aang: I'm sorry, Zuko...

Rokus shadow: When he had a firm grasp of the good, your friend asked you for a promise!

Ozai's shadow: The Fire Lord's will determines what is right! Embrace this truth and you'll possess the peace that you desire!

Zuko: I don't think I'll ever stop feeling lost.

Scene zooms out to show Roku's shadow and Zuko both looking at Aang.

Rokus shadow: Now fulfill your promise and restore the world to harmony!

Zuko: Go ahead, Aang! Do it!

Aang closes his eyes and enters the Avatar State. He rises in an air sphere; the other three elements soon circle around him. Zuko and Roku each watch, but suddenly, the Fire Lord spots a vision of his teary-eyed mother behind Roku.

Zuko: Wait...! Don't cry...

Aang launches a fire blast at Zuko; however, at that moment, both awaken at the same time. Aang is shown on Appa's saddle while Katara sleeps peacefully and Zuko is shown on his ship. Aang quickly tries to catch his breath while Zuko nervously feels for his heartbeat.

Aang: AAAH!

Zuko: Hrgh!

Aang breathes heavily as the scene cuts to everyone who is carrying on with their daily lives in the streets of Yu Dao while Appa flies above and roars.

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