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10 years later


Ruby became the leader of the league, Liam still has not remembered Ruby.

Liam became a camp hunter, someone who helped take down all the remaining camps and freed the remaining children in them.

Chubs became a healer for the powerful children.

And Zu helped kids unite with their families, chubs and Zu kept in touch the most.

Liam and Ruby went their separate ways.


"Today is the day guys, we bust the last camp for good." Liam says as his new friends cheered. Liam had found a group of people who were like minded like him.

They all varied in powers, 3 of them were green, 2 yellow, 2 blue including him and 1 red.

"So, what's the plan?" Liam asks the greens, they all shrug. "Come on guys, we're literally this close to shutting them down. For good." He adds to them and a girl who is desperately in love with him adds, "yeah guys, just think. Why don't we split up this time? How does that sound Liam? I call him by the way! With our powers combined together we would be unstoppable." Lisa the only red says to them and she looks at Liam with hope in her eyes.

"I don't think it's best to split up.. this is the biggest one yet. We need to stick together." One of the greens alone causing Lisa to roll her eyes. "Fine what do you suggest then?" She asks.

"Well, we definitely shouldn't split up. How about we blend in for the night then when the morning comes we strike. While we blend in we let some of the other kids or young adults know and help us." Mike says, which was one of the smartest greens.

"Good idea Mike, I love that. Let's role, we don't have time to waste." Liam says and everyone else nods in agreement.



"EVERYBODY GET UP, COME ON NO SLACKIN TODAY. TESTIN DAY." One of the guards say to us, we all groan and get up lazily.

I quickly put on my shoes, and walk in a line with all the other greens.

Just another day..

My eyes start to wander as we get outside the rooms and as soon as my eyes move Rodger, the security guard yells at me. "IVY DID I SAY YOU COULD MOVE YOUR HEAD?" He asks me, and my eyes look straight immediately, I decided not to say anything, because last time I talked back, I got punished.

We finally got to the end of the destination, and we got to the puzzle room. The puzzle room is where they test to see who is the smartest green. Kim always wins first place, followed by Zavier and John. Kim was always the favorite.

I take my place next to Vanessa who was a decently nice person, she was just someone I was always paired up against. I met Vanessa when I was 13, she was 14. Kim had beaten her in a game, and she just kept getting beat by everyone else. Until she got to me, she could always beat me, but she could never beat anyone else above me.

"Alright you guys, you have 1 minute to complete this impossible sudoku game. Starting... now!" A gun is shot signaling that the game had started.

"Done!" Damn.. not even a second into the game. Shortly after Zavier and John finish. Other finish a few seconds later.

I finally finish 59 seconds in, Rodger looks at me and shakes his head. "Always just barely finishing on time Ivy." He says to me and I shrug. "This was a hard one I have to admit Rodger." Vanessa says to him and then winks at me.

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