Wolfing Around

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Zephyr loved being a wolf. He couldn't resist being in his wolf form. He always talked his dad into turning into his wolf form, and Wyatt would do so and play with him in the yard. One day, Zephyr was playing with Wyatt and had noticed another wolf pup across to street. He looked to be Zeph's age and had a pretty dark coat.

"Daddy, can I go say hi to him?"

Zephyr asked.

"Sure. I'm go back inside with Dad. Come back when we call you."

"Yes, daddy!"

Wyatt made sure his son made it across the road, then went inside.


Zephyr exclaimed, all excited.

"Oh, hello! My name is Warren!"

The other pup introduced himself.

"I'm Zephyr! Wanna play?"

Warren accepted and two pups played. Zed and Wyatt were inside their place and looked out the window every few minutes to check on their son. He was fine every time. Wyatt walked over to Zed in the living room and wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips gently. The two smiled at each other as they sat on the couch together. Zed had Wyatt sitting in his lap. Wyatt hugged the zombie boy as he closed his eyes.

"I'm so tired, baby."

Wyatt complained into Zed's neck.

"Why don't you go take a nap? I can watch Zeph."

"You sure you don't mind?"

"Babe, go take a nap."

Zed demanded, kissing Wyatt quickly on the lips. Wyatt nodded and headed to the bedroom to nap.


"Zephyr, it's time to come home!"

Zed shouted out the door for his kid. Zephyr said bye to his new friend and came running home. He formed back into his humanoid form right before hugging his father.

"Did you have fun?"

Zed asked.


"Good. I'm glad you made a new friend, buddy."

"Where's daddy?"

"He's napping in our room. Why don't you go wake him up for me?"

Zephyr smiled as he nodded and went into his dads' room. Zephyr climbed up on the bed with Wyatt and jumped on him, immediately waking him, but something was wrong. Wyatt yelped as his son jumped on him and started whimpering, scaring little Zephyr.


Zed came in the room quickly to see what was wrong and saw Wyatt was in a lot of pain.

"Daddy, I'm sorry!"

"Wyatt, what's wrong?"

"My stomach is hurting super bad!"

Wyatt spoke. Little Zeph was in tears.

"I didn't mean to jump on daddy so hard. I'm sorry!!"

Wyatt looked over at Zephyr, his tears breaking his heart. Wyatt grabbed his child, bringing him closer to him.

"Shhh... Son, it wasn't cause of you. I was already hurting."

Zephyr bawled into his dad's bare chest, still thinking that he was at fault for Wyatt's pain.

"Zephyr, it's okay! You didn't hurt daddy, baby."

Zed tried to reassure him. He held Zephyr in his arms as he stared at Wyatt. The wolf's arms were wrapped around his stomach as he tightly closed his eyes. Zeph calmed down but all he wanted was his daddy, so Zed let him snuggle against Wyatt. He opened his eyes to see his son cuddling up against him. He layed his head on Zephyr's and continued wincing at the pain.


"Babe, do you feel sick?"

"No, it's just intense pain. I felt sick earlier but I was able to sleep it off."

Wyatt explained. His stomach grumbled in pain.

"Will you let me take you to the hospital?"

Zed asked. Wyatt nodded and slowly started to sit up. Zed grabbed Zephyr and they both went out in the living room while Wyatt got dressed.

"Do you need help getting ready at all?"

Zed asked. The wolf shook his head no.

"Okay, babe."

Zed shut the door, going back in the room with his kid.


Wyatt was dressed as he walked out of the room, his hand over his stomach. He snarled at the pain he felt. Zed walked over to him and let him lay his head on his shoulder.

"Come on, baby. We'll get you fixed up."


They ran tests on Wyatt and now they were just waiting for results to come back. Wyatt was hooked up to an IV while Zephyr cuddled next to him in the bed. Wyatt had tears rolling down his face and Zephyr noticed.

"Daddy, why are you crying?"

The five year old asked.

"I'm just in pain, baby. Daddy will be fine though."

Zed moved his chair closer to the bed so he could reach his boys. He kissed Wyatt and Zephyr on their heads and wiped the wolf's tears away, but Wyatt only started crying harder.

"Babe, are you hurting more now?"

Wyatt nodded and grabbed Zed's hand in his and squeezed it. The doctor finally came in with the results. It turned out that Wyatt had some stomach ulcers. The wolf would be put on antibiotics and pain medication.


The three of them got home and it was time for Zephyr to go to bed. Zed put him to bed while Wyatt layed on the couch, still in pain. Zed walked back into the living room after putting Zeph to bed and sat with Wyatt.

"Sweetie, you need to eat something and take your meds. What do you want me to make you?"

"Anything, just has to have meat."

"Well, that I already knew."

Zed got up and went into the kitchen to make Wyatt a ham sandwich or two along with a cup of water. After that, he brought it to Wyatt and he carefully sat up to eat. Once he was done, he took both pills and him and Zed headed to bed for the night.

Finally got this one done, sorry for taking so long with it. No, Wyatt is not pregnant again, but maybe in the future 👀....

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