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"It's Christmas," Tommy and Max shook me awake. I groaned as I turned my head further into the pillow to hide away from them. They didn't budge until I was finally up. When I sat up, they rushed out of their room and across the hall to Calum's, making me sigh as I checked the time. It was five in the morning: I fell asleep around midnight.

Ashton didn't let me help with the whole Santa thing, so I had no idea how that turned out. He wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, though he did let Calum help out. But to the rest of us, it was all a surprise. I wanted everything to go well, and I was worried that it wouldn't.

"Alright, go wake up everyone else," I heard Ashton tell Max and Tommy, who split up to wake up Luke and Michael. I pulled myself out of bed and ran my hands over my face, still tired.

"Someone's a morning person," Calum chuckled when I looked up to see him in the doorway.

"I'm still tired,"

"That's the best part of Christmas, it goes away when you get downstairs," he reassured me. Max and Tommy managed to get everyone up so we could go downstairs. It was clear Ashton went all out this Christmas.

"I got a train table," Tommy screamed, running down the steps.

"I think that's for you and Max," Ashton corrected as Tommy went over to the table followed by Max. "Look at that, there are also legos under the table," Ashton pointed to the lego sets. When they realized they had a pile of toys set up by the fireplace, they quickly left the train set and went over to look through those.

"I think your pile is right over there, Blair," Luke pointed to the couch, snapping me out of my thoughts to see a pile set up with my stocking. I went over to the pile and looked through to see a lot of clothes that I had been wanting, some shoes, makeup, and skincare stuff.

"That's the best curling iron," Crystal told me as she sat down on the couch next to the pile.

"I usually just braid my hair, I've never bothered curling it," I said.

"I can teach you, it's pretty easy," she offered and I nodded with a small smile.

Once we finished going through the piles, we opened all the presents, which was pretty chaotic. It wasn't one at a time, just everyone going for it and lots of talking going on. I sat next to Ashton as we mostly watched the twins, not bothering opening our own. It wasn't that I didn't want to, but it just felt weird. Christmas felt weird this year.

"Here, open this one," Ashton passed me a random present with my name on it. I opened it and smiled when I saw a pair of baggy jeans.

"These are cute, thank you," I smiled.

"I got a barbie house," Max yelled with excitement as he pulled the rest of the wrapping paper off.

"That's so exciting bubby," I exclaimed as everyone else was cheering along with him.

"Daddy, please set it up," Max begged.

"Once we're done opening presents," he chuckled as he pulled Max onto his lap.

"But we're done," Tommy groaned as he laid over Sierra and Luke's laps.

"But not everyone else is," he told the two. "Why don't you two pass out at presents?"

"Ok," they nodded with excitement. So that's what they did. THey rushed around, giving out presents (mixing up Calum and Crystal a lot). Once they were all open, Ashton jumped up with excitement.

"Alright, final presents," he told us.

"Rooms," Tommy jumped up. Max and Tommy rushed upstairs with the rest of us following. When we were all upstairs, Tommy and Max were in front of their rooms jumping with excitement.

"Let's let Blair go first, alright?" Ashton chuckled. The two nodded and rushed over to my new room. "Alright, check it out," he grinned. I opened the door and was in awe from the room. It was everything I pictured. It was white and emerald green along with some gold in the room. The posters were perfect, everything was.

"Do you like it?" Calum asked and I nodded.

"I love it, thank you," I turned around and hugged Ashton tightly.

"Merry Christmas, Blair," he said with excitement. And it was that moment, I realized I didn't want to be celebrating Christmas. EVerything felt wrong.

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