"Are you ok?"

The question took some time to register but when I did, I still had no answer. I automatically wanted to say yes but Beth's recent advice replayed in my head like my conscience. I really wanted to open up to Leah. It would be the perfect way for our relationship to improve more, but I was having a hard time doing so. Her pleading eyes were begging her the truth and I decided to tell a half truth.

"Mostly, just tired." I smiled, hoping that she would buy the act. She searched my face for a few seconds, which seemed suddenly scary as I wondered if she could tell I was lying. She soon gave me a small smile and moved back for the first time.

She pointed at the bag as she took a seat beside me. She didn't have to say anything as I was already opening it. A smile appeared on my face as I took out the boxes and saw that it was food. There were shares of two for everything so I tried moving over, in order to put the bag in between us but decided it wasn't going to work as she pulled me back beside her. This time I was even closer to her than before, practically leaning on her as she wouldn't move her hand from my waist. We sat there in mostly silence, saying only a few words every now and again. For some reason, it was like our way of bonding, silence.

After getting my feet working again, she drove me home and offered to stay the night but I declined. I knew within myself that I'd never sleep with her there and I needed my rest. As I walked inside, I was greeted by the smell of food and my mom and aunt drinking wine. I forgot all about their arrival and even forgot my mom had a key. She offered for Leah to stay for dinner but she declined. If I was to guess why, I say it was the fact my drunk aunt asked if she was the girl that made me miss the final of the game. Or that my aunt decided to ask me about my dating life, bringing up Morgan. That was the final straw and my mom sent her to the guest bedroom. Even after so many years, you could clearly see their sibling dynamic shining brightly.

I said goodbye to Leah and promised I'd call her before I went to sleep. She left and I was left with two of the most noisiest elderly women ever. Not to mention they were nowhere near sober.

As I suspected, the questions came in faster than race cars on a track. They started out normal but slowly they became more and more scandalous.

"You know, you're uncle and I weren't always friends. I hated his guts when we met." My aunt practically bragged as I took the plates to the kitchen.

"Shut up May. She doesn't need to live her life like you." My mom said, grabbing the glass from her hands before she could put it in her mouth.

"All I'm saying is, that girl is a catch and our Ally is as gay as they get." She paused as I let out a gasp. " Enemies or not, they'd be a good match."

I was just about done with them and was ready to go to bed, I said good night and went to lay in bed. That didn't last long as I felt the need for a cold shower. After the shower I was feeling lively again so I did my skincare and then jumped in bed. Looking at my phone, I knew there was one thing left to do.

My fingers dialed the number as quickly as I could. Just as I hoped, she answered immediately.

"You were waiting to see my name pop up, weren't you?" I asked. Feeling a sudden rush of confidence.

She chuckled, and believe it or not, it was somehow more attractive over the phone. "Was it that obvious?"

"A little bit, don't worry I won't tell anyone."

"I appreciate that." She said sarcastically. Before I could reply, her tone changed. " Are you okay?"

"I am." I answered, a little annoyed.

"I just don't want anything happening to you. Especially, since we have a date to come on this weekend."

Her sentence caught me off guard and I felt all types of butterflies in my stomach. "Oh?"

That was all my brain could think of at that moment. "Where are we going?"

She sighed," I'm afraid that's a secret."

I let out a groan which made her laugh. "I can give you a hint, but not tonight."

"Fine." I answered, feeling somewhat better with the compromise. 'Good night."

"Good night love."

My heart beat took a while to slow down after her last words. It finally went back to normal after a few moments and as I thought I would finally get some sleep the door opened. Revealing my mom in her silk sleepwear. She always liked dressing fancily even to go to bed.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"I am, but who were you talking to?" She said, now fully in my room and no longer peeking from behind the door.

"Just a friend."

"Well, how are you?" She made her way up to the bed and sat next to me. " You don't seem fine."

I didn't always like that she could read me so well but in times like these I was grateful. I didn't have to say much, she'd just always know.

I didn't answer her immediately, I just smiled. Yet, she seemed to understand fully.

"Is it happening again?" She asked and I knew what she meant. "Is that why you wanted me to visit right now?"

I nodded, I had nothing to say as she knew it already. By my silence, she just nodded. "We're going out tomorrow, so get some sleep."

She hugged me and then left the room and I was honestly very confused. I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing or why she chose this route. Normally she we'd just talk for hours and I'd cry and by the end of it I'd be better. This also meant that I wouldn't be in training tomorrow which shook my soul as all I wanted to do was see Leah. Slowly, I was becoming a love stroke teenager and I really didn't mind it. Aunt May's love story was looking more and more acceptable by the minute.

Within a few minutes, I felt myself slowly drifting to sleep as my eyes became heavy and the bed felt like heaven.



So, I have a general idea for the next few chapters and just a heads up. It will be mixed emotions and just a little drama...okay maybe not a little. Because why should they be happy already?

Also I got new glasses, and my crush texted me today....sent a picture of a gift she has for me for my birthday next week. ALSO, my mom got me BIRDS...not that I asked for them but that was cool.

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