Chapter Fifty-Two: Deadly Good Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Take me from behind." She pleaded with puppy dog eyes, the fever still burned her cheeks. "I need you." Lining myself up, my name burst from her lips. Sliding my hands to her bountiful breasts, every rough squeeze making her scream louder. Covering her mouth, we didn't need to get kicked out. Bucking my hips wildly, her fangs grew over her lips. Flipping me underneath, an untouched Evie smiled sweetly. It was almost as if she didn't have any of the trauma, her grin grew wider as she sank onto me. Her breasts bounced with every sway of her hips, all of her emotion coming out with the increasing speed. Tears stained her cheeks, her hands guiding them to her hips.

"I can't believe you are here." I stuttered brokenly, her hips dancing faster. "It's so nice to be holding you." Lowering herself, her sweaty palms moved up my shirt. Pressing her hot skin against mine, her hips ground to the rhythm in her head. Rolling her over, she laid on her side. Lifting up her left leg, my name bounced off the wall with my thrust into her. Grinding our hips to the same rhythm, gruff groans escaped my lips. The sensation of euphoria washed over us, our climax coming soon. Laying her down on her back, my breath hitched at her beauty. Snaking her legs around my waist, her arms curled around my neck. Our hips danced to the same rhythm, short gasps echoing in each other's ears. The urge to mark her raged inside of me, her fangs tracing the nape of my neck. Sinking our fangs into each other's tender flesh, my hot seed filling her up. Collapsing next to each other, her fever had subsided. Resting her head on my chest, pure tears of joy streamed down our cheeks. Snores echoed in my ear, my inner wolf simply happy to have her in my arms. Sweet slumber stole me away to dreamland.

A couple of weeks had passed, the new Evie stunning everyone but me. Her polite smile burned brighter, the true trauma laid underneath. Today was different, her arm blocking me from entering the bathroom. Attempting to get in, she shook her head. Slamming the door in my face, the empty footfalls of her pacing back and forth haunted me. Washing her hands, her shoulder brushed with mine on the way out. Getting back into the kitchen, it was my turn to use the bathroom. No evidence lay in clear sight, the corner of a pink box capturing my attention. Pulling it out of the trash, my jaw dropped. Three positive tests clattered to the floor, the only person having to be her. Latia was currently in the hospital getting induced while Raven was pregnant already. Wandering into the kitchen, Raven and the boys were buried in their lesson in the other room. A frazzled Evie stood over at least five dozen muffins, her fingers drumming away. Pulling her in by the small of her waist, a hard but tiny bump rubbed against my abs.

"Anything you want to tell me?" I queried aggressively, watching her squirm. Her eyes fell on Flynn, milk staining her ruby silk blouse. Wails saved her from a twenty degree interrogation, her trembling fingers unbuttoned to the top buttons of her blouse. Flynn suckled on her nipple, her other hand ruffling his hair. Every cell in me wanted to squeeze her ample breasts, my irritated wolf telling me no.

"I am going to change him and we can get going to see your sister." She informed me briskly, eyeballing the pickle she left out. Disappearing upstairs, Grappy popped up next to me. Concern darkened his features, my lips pressing into a thin line. Noting his black band t-shirt and ripped jeans threw me off, the casual outfit would prove to be a good disguise. Stopping at the top of the stairs, a throat clearing caught our attention. Evie had changed her blouse to an ivory cotton shirt. Playing with Flynn's fox pajamas, she brushed past us. Spinning her keys on her fingers, the unlocking noise did little to unsettle my nerves.

"Is she pregnant again? I d-" He began, Death popping up in front of us. Dragging a stool out in front of us, he plopped down. His wild hair hung over his eyes, his worn face reminded me of Evie's features a second ago. A silent demand glistened in my eyes, his lips pressing into a thin line.

"Why did you have to have relations with her during her regularly scheduled heat?" He demanded in a hushed tone, Evie coming back in to gather her muffins. Grappy scurried outside to sit with our son, the three of us standing in stifling silence. Not saying a word, she loaded up the muffins. Our eyes fell on the hard bump pressing against her simple black pencil skirt, her eyes refusing to meet ours. Clicking the cover on, she smiled wryly in our direction. Running up the stairs, Death followed closely behind me. Ripping open the bathroom door, more tests rested on the sink. All five of them were positive, a small bit of pride swelling in my chest. There was no reason to hide any of it, my heart sinking at her fear. Honking stole us from our investigation, a trick came to mind. Stopping in the kitchen, I opened the secret snack cabinet. Picking out the white cheddar popcorn, she couldn't get enough of it with the last pregnancy. Death snapped his fingers, leaving no trace of him behind. Sauntering out to the car, her eyes twinkled at the sight of the popcorn. Bingo, I had her dead to rights. Sliding into the passenger's seat, Grappy held the basket of muffins.

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