"Why couldn't Jace come again? Seems like a ton of the guys that were training are."

Ry bent his head to me whispering, "because of what he actually does for work, none of my men are here. Same goes with the other kingdoms, only the heads of mercenaries are. It would start to much shit if anyone else was." Rolling my eyes, "but I'm here,"

"yeah and you are Lily." Meaning Erembour didn't exist right now.

Having both Binx and a head of mercenaries on my sides really made a recipe for people not wanting to speak with me. Though when we sat for dinner that was another story, questions came pouring at me about my speech years ago and how I felt now.

Queen Kallie was nearest to us "leave the girl alone, she does not want to repeat the same answers she's been saying for years."

Smiling in thanks to the Queen, she was just as immaculate as before. The Fae, and Elves were always so gorgeous their Queen had to be. She was not only gorgeous, but I could tell she had fire behind those eyes. She must, living so close to Blagden and to protect her own.

"So Ryland are you going to finally let her come around the kingdoms now, I want her to meet my son."

King Calder was sitting a few chairs down, Ry was chuckling "she does not go and travel to meet someone, she does and goes where she pleases."

Absolute bullshit, forcing me to stay here. "Exactly Calder, don't bring in Lily to your son's consorts she's better than what you have." Biting my lips to hold back a chuckle, Kallie was something else.

When dinner came out, smelling all the meats, breads and veggies really told me how starving I was, with not eating all day. Wanting to protest still but just couldn't especially when Ry served me a plate, just piled on and full, knowing how much I could actually put down. I wanted to shovel it in my mouth with my hands, but holding back. Taking the fork and correctly, properly eating from the plate.

Ry was chuckling quietly at me, he always thought it amusing when I was proper. Stomping on his foot to make him stop, his knee came springing up banging the table.

"You good Ryland?" Calder commented.

"Yup all good, just really excited about this food." He grunted out.

During dinner I was able to sneakily drink an entire bottle of wine myself, though barely feeling anything it was weak. Almost juice it will take me all night just to feel buzzed from this fancy shit.

"The wine sucks I know, but you need to slow down with it." Ry whispered in my ear as we were served desert, now that really perked me up with all the sweets, cakes and chocolates. Smell of vanilla and chocolates filled the area.

Normally it was overwhelming and sickening in the kitchen but right now since I didn't have to make it, it smelt heavenly. I ended up eating half a cake myself and if there was no one around I'd end up eating the whole damned thing.

Full of sweets and bad wine we went back to the ballroom. I was already hunting down another wine glass when King Nuriel came up to us.

I took the opportunity to ask him questions about Tandie, a place I really wanted to visit since Jace was talking about it.

"I will tell you more if you accompany me with a dance." His hand was reached out, he was a younger looking king early 30s for sure. A king asking to dance was someone I couldn't really refuse.

Taking his hand, "of course your Grace." Curtsying carefully as he swept me away. Spinning and stepping around really killed my leg and waist but I just got through it by asking more. "Have you been to Boreas then? Since it's so close?"

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