Chapter 12: Parpaldia's Mistake

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FSS Midway: << This is the Terran Light Carrier FSS Midway. We have come to assist the Kingdom of Altaras in its defense against the Parpaldian Empire.>>

Bordo: What a pleasant surprise. I'm interested to see how they will fair against the Parpaldian navy. If what happened in Fenn is true then maybe, we stand a chance. 


Officer 1: So, what exactly is the plan again?

Ralph: I know it sounds a bit confusing. But we will destroy all naval and air assets belonging to the Parpaldian Empire, except for the flagship. 

Officer 1: So, we are just going to let the flagship getaway? 

Ralph: No, we will eventually destroy it. But apparently before than the brass has a plan that 277 will carry out.

Officer 1: Ok?

Ralph: We will just have to wait and see I suppose. 


Sius, the admiral of the Parpaldian fleet sent to invade Altaras, was currently looking over his massive fleet. He couldn't help but smile as he looked over his fleet of more than 300 ships. 

Sius: Tell me, Sailor, why do you think our empire is so strong?

Sailor: U-Uh because of our military?

Sius: What's with the simple answer? Where is the imagination, such an answer could only be given by the common man! In the Imperial Navy, we say it's because of our Wyvern Carriers! They have the ability to fly over enemy cannons and strike at it from above! We are able to take care of any and all major threats before our troops even land on the ground! Don't you understand! Whoever rules the skies will turn the tide of battle! 

Sailor: Very enlightening sir, thank you.

Sius: Speaking of wyverns shouldn't they be departing for Altaras right now? 

Sailor: Yes sir, I believe that they are heading out as we speak.

Just then several wyvern lords take off from the ship deck. 

Sius: There they go, you I suppose we should be getting ready to. We will soon put those Altaran's who dare deny his majesty's word.  

Sailor: Sir!


A group of over 200 Parpaldian Wyvern lords have departed for Altaras. For any country outside of the civilized area that would mean almost certain doom. However, as the group was flying, they came into contact with a strange-looking object that they could not identify. It just flew past them and wasn't seen again.

The object was a scouting probe sent out by Terran Light Carrier FSS Midway. They had deployed scout drones to find the Wyverns that the Parpaldians would be sending. They could have used the ship's sensors alone, but they wanted to use the probe to make the Parpaldian 'Wyvern knights' uneasy. Of course, this could make them more on edge and be on the lookout for danger, but that would also mess with their senses. In other words, paranoid. Sure, it doesn't really help the Terran pilots, but it does mess with the enemies' mental state which can lead to them making an error in battle. 

Officer 1: It would appear that we have found are targets. 

Officer 2: Took them a while to show up. 

Ralph: They fly at less than half the speed of sound, I don't know what you expected. 

Officer 1: Should I give the order?

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