Big choices...

Start bij het begin

*You walk into the meeting room and wait for adries to come in and when he does you sit in silence unitl he speaks*
Adries- hello y/n, it's nice to meet you
Y/n- its a pleasure to meet you, so i've been struggling with my choice of national team options, and obviously because international is in under a month, i need to make the choice soon
Adries- as a national team, we've watched you for a while and we would love to have you on camp, we work on a rotation, so nobody is ever called up for 2 camps in a row so that you get a break, we mainly work in the netherlands but if so happens we have to play somewhere else, we are where they are, its a very welcoming team and we would love to have you *smiles*
Y/n- it seems amazing
*you and adries talk more about the team for another half an hour before he leaves and tony walks in*
Tony- hey y/n
Y/n- *you know that the matildas isnt the one, so all you have to do is tell tony* hey tony, upon refelction,i think the matilda's isnt the national team for me, i would love to play with you honestly, but jet lag and me aren't good friends and i want to be at my top game for club and country and with the travel i dont think i would be, thank you for the offer but im gonna have to pass on the matildas
Tony- thanks for being honest y/n, we are sure missing one fab player but i totally see where your coming from, thanks for considering us as an option *walks out*
*you have an hour to kill before sarina gets here so you find jen and you get lunch together*
Jen- how'd they go?
Y/n- well i told tony that the matildas was a no, and im not keen on adries anymore, so fingers crossed sarina is the one and i know that i want to be a lioness otherwise im fucked completly *you laugh*

*you and jen eat and talk about jen putting out her retirement letter soon and then you see sarina walking to the door and feel a sense of calm and you walk to the door*
Y/n- sarina, welcome *you smile*
Sarina- hello y/n, how are you?
Y/n- im good, come through to the office
Sarina- thank you
*You and sarina go into the office*
Sarina- thank you for asking to meet and talk about national teams, i bet its hard knowing 3 teams all want you
Y/n- it's hard, but once i make the choice, i know it'll be fine *you smile*
Sarina- well, us as a team focus on you and your individual skills and talents and are all here for everyone no matter what, if you need time off, you can just come to us and we can get it sorted, if your not in the headspace for an international, we wont make you and we wont see you as any less of a person, we just want you to feel comfortable in your surroundings *she smiles at you*
Y/n- *you take in her words and it clicks, the lionesses are your team* thank you so much, i'm gonna go make a call and i'm gonna come right back
Sarina- okay *she smiles*
*you go and call adries and tell him your picking england as your national team and you go back to sarina*
Y/n- i'm back
Sarina- have you made your choice?
Y/n- yes, if and when you think im ready, the lionesses will be my national team if you'll take me *you smile*
Sarina- we would love to have you y/n, thank you for your time
Y/n- no, thank you for your time

*sarina leaves and you go and tell jen nd then you head straight to your complex to viv's*

*you knock on her door*
Viv- *opens the door* hey y/n, you look amazing
Y/n- thanks, so do you
Viv- come in
Y/n- thanks *you go in and sit down*
Viv- how was your day?
Y/n- it was good, bit hectic
Viv- what meetings did you have, i never asked yesterday
Y/n- i had 3, with national team head coaches so i could pick one *you smile*
Viv- did you pick one?
Y/n- yeah, im gonna be a lioness
Viv- that is really cool, proud of you!
Y/n- thanks viv, what ya cooking
Viv- SHIT! i was making chicken but it may be burned now *she runs into the kitchen to check the chicken*
Y/n- *you run in after her and laugh* oh my god, i dont think we can eat that, what else have you got? *you open the fridge*
Viv- just random bits
Y/n- i bet i could whip something up with this
*you make a ceaser salad*

*you knock on her door*Viv- *opens the door* hey y/n, you look amazingY/n- thanks, so do you Viv- come inY/n- thanks *you go in and sit down*Viv- how was your day?Y/n- it was good, bit hecticViv- what meetings did you have, i never asked yesterday...

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Y/n- told you i could whip something up *you smile*
Viv- it looks amazing y/n, thanks
Y/n- geen probleem, koken is mijn ding (no problem, cooking is my thing)
Viv-wat kan je niet (what can't you do)
Y/n- niet veel
*You both laugh, eat and hang out before you have to go because you have a game tommorow*
Y/n- thanks for tonight viv, it was great
Viv- i loved it, we should do it again, minus me burning the chicken *she laughs*
Y/n- definetly *you laugh*
Viv- maybe next time i can take you out to dinner?
Y/n- like a date?
Viv- *nods* like a date, yeah
Y/n- hmmm, i think i might like that more than tonight *you wink*
Viv- sorted

*You go home and get into bed and message G about tonight before drifting off*

That's just how it goes..Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu