Chapter 16: A Brand New Unwanted Life

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Bella is sore after her first time. Not because it was with a vampire, but it was her first time. But right now, she's in that clearing of wildflowers. Edward takes Catherine to a different spot, he takes her into the trees because she loves high places.

Bella's life has been in a whirl-spin since she met the Cullens upon moving to Forks a year ago. If someone had told her two years ago that vampires and werewolves were real and that her life would change like this, she'd have called them mentally insane.

Bella is looking at the wildflowers when she hears a growl. She turns and she sees a mountain lion.

"CARLISLE!" Alice suddenly yells in horror.

Carlisle rushes down to the den when he hears the distress in the clairvoyant's tone. "What is it, Alice?"

"What did you see?" Jasper asks as he feels her disdain, her worry.

"It's Bella," Alice whispers. "You need to get to the clearing of wildflowers."

"The one I brought her to?" Edward asks as he and Catherine return.

"Yes," Alice replies. "She was attacked."

The room is sent into a tense silent.

"Attacked by what?" Catherine asks the question in everyone's kind.

"Well, she was mauled," Alice says and Emmett looks at her. "It was a mountain lion."

"I'll go get her," Edward says. "I know where she is."

Edward rushes out and he finds Bella fast as her blood sings out to him. He finds Bella in the middle of the feeling, the claw marks down her chest and torso, a huge bite in her shoulder. Edward holds his breath as he picks Bella up and he turned her to the house. He wouldn't be able to resist to turn her.

Carlisle takes her from Edward and he brings her down to the basement, he has medical equipment here for Bella. He knows how clumsy she can be. And she's human. Carlisle lays her down and he sees her eyes open.

"Mi Bella," Carlisle murmurs as he brushes her hair back. "Do you want me to operate or turn you? Blink once for the operation, twice for turning."

Bella thinks and she blinks twice. Carlisle leans down and he kisses her forehead in such a tender moment and Jasper, who feels their emotions, closes his eyes and Alice grabs his hand. Since their return, Jasper and Bella have bonded. He really is happy that she doesn't blame him for his slip up on her birthday.

"It will hurt until your heart stops," Carlisle says. "I'll be right here when you wake."

Carlisle grabs her arm, the only thing untouched by the animal. He looks at Bella and she weakly nods.

"Carlisle, let me," Rosalie says when she sees his hesitance. She came down when she saw Jasper overwhelmed by Carlisle's emotions. "You can barely look at her. Let me."

Carlisle nods and he moves out of the way.

"I'm sorry, Bella, for being a grade-A bitch," Rosalie says before she bites Bella's arm, filling her with venom.

Bella screamed and withered in pain for days until her heart finally stops. Rosalie and Alice cleaned her up and Catherine helped dress her. She doesn't have a single scar as Rosalie's venom healed her and killed her. Now they're waiting for her to wake up.

"She's waking up in a few minutes," Alice say to Carlisle.

He nods. He drops his newspaper and he heads back down to Bella's side. Carlisle said he'd hunt with Bella when she woke. He watches her face until her eyes open, bright crimson. That pull is still there and only now, Bella feels it to.

Carlisle stands and he offers her his hand. Bella takes it and Carlisle is hugged.

"Bella, you're a newborn, which means you're stronger than me," Carlisle wheezes. "That means you have to be careful with me."

Bella quickly pulls away, hitting her lip sheepishly. "Sorry."

Carlisle reaches forward and he carefully touches her face. He smiles fondly at her. "We should hunt."

As if the word hunt triggered something, Bella growls, feeling her throat burn in hunger. Carlisle and Bella speed out of the house onto the woods. Bella smells blood and she stops in the meadow, seeing the mountain lion that attacked her. Bella rushes forward and she sinks her vampire teeth into it. The feline roars out as Carlisle finds his mate teeth deep.

'There's my girl," Carlisle croons as Bella looks at him. He had a few deer, his eyes are brighter. "Come."

Bella appears before him and she presses their lips together. Carlisle speeds  against a tree and Bella lets out an angelic laugh that fills Carlisle with such joy.

Neither one knowing that Victoria is watching, having learned that Bella is not Edward's mate. She goes to the Cullen house and sees Edward dancing with his real mate, Catherine, in the living room and she smirks.

"A mate for a mate, Edward," Victoria purrs. "It's a shame it's not Bella, but your mate will work perfectly, she is, after all, human."

Victoria's eyes brighten before she flashes away before they can sense her.

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