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The next day

Gempa's clock went off but the boy dint wake up, he was in a deep slumber of his. He dit need some sleep that was one thing for sure but were all pretty he had some homework to continue this morning.

Few minutes no- hours went by and the clock never was able to wake him up until


he woke up to his phone ringing but his body dint feel that aweke at the moment so he sat Up for a while bifore grabbing his phone. The phone call already stopped from how slow he took it.

He opend his phone only to ve suprised at the time. It was 13:00!! He skipped almost his intire schoolday! He fastly went to look who called and seems like it was solar, he texted and excused himself. He also coulnd't believe it! He slept in!

He got ready as fast as he could grabbing his homework and running out the door. His hair still floofed up and all kinds of messy! As he ran he seemed to go faster then a car! But thats bicus an old lady was trying to ride safely.

When he hot to the school it was 40 minutes later and he was a panting mess! He could only make it to 1 class later. He had 20 minutes to explain this insident to the princible and so he dit. But when he got there he saw ice.

He looked tired, scared and beaten. It broke him, to see a friend in that state at school? Yeah, it wasn't a preety sight. But then somthing wurse happend...

"He has to go to a mental hospital miss"

This was the part he felt somthing go awey in his body..a heart peace? A wound? No...somthing wurse but he couldn't discripe it. 10 minutes later ice was removed and brought "awey" with his parents. Gempa got to know ice has been trying to kill himself during todays school day.

But now it was his time to explain himself and it took him 50 minutes  meaning he had detention. He dint make any classes but he knew an awfull fate he saw sombody have.. it made him feel bad for ice and the one close to him 'blaze' those 2 were inseprible so knowing they wont see eachother for a very long time?- its so awfull...

And so after the school had officially ended he went home again, but when he got home gempa and his mom went to visit dad. While ik the car nothing was being said so gempa grabbed some headphones and lissent to some music. He somthimes would look at his mother next to him (they sit in the front of the car).

As they were riding he passed by a friends house thorn's to be ecaxt. He got a short look but he could memorize that the boy was watering plants outside. One of his fav were the sunflowers. But as much as he wanted to explain more he had hid mind stuck on hid father, he wanted to know if he was comming home or not.

And he hoped he was allouwd to come home. After 4 hours of driving to the hospital and lots of trafic they arrived at the hotel. They got a parking and left all the extra stuff in the car. Gempa kept his headphones and phone tho, he was lissening at calm music but had it this moment arround his neck.

They walked to the recaption and asked were his father was by saying the full name and other details. But at that moment gempa was watching other people who walked inside the hospitall, for acample a man with a thick tngue like it sucked up air (caused by bee sting on the tungue) and much more.

When his mom noticed that her son was dozing off or being distracted she patted his head softly witch got his attention. Looking at gempa there was wurry hidden in his eyes and she knew that very well, a hand raised to his cheeck bifore a little rub was given on his scheeck.

It was nice to gempa, some affection from his mother in a conforting way. She then asked uf he wanted to hold hands and he nodded. Next thing that happend was them going up the stairs to go to the room.

When being infront of the door the mom took a deep breath in and out and gempa copied it. She had noticed he was getting more stressed and wurry all over him. But in this little sighn she could help him calm down a little.

And then they enterd, white rooms and a blue floor. There was a bed with a man in it. His dad! He was aweke and just had some bandages arround mis body but anithing else was fine. Gempa smiled and a tiny tear came out when he yelled "DAD!"

You would of wanted to see how relieved he was to see his father and the smile that doubled in size! He was just so happy~. The mother went to the bed and kissed her man bifore they started to flirt a little and ended it with some chuckles. Gempa in the meantime had been getting rubs on his back by his father how wholdsome!

Few hours went by and they had to leave, the father had to stay atleast a week for the serieus injeries he had, on the way back he asked if his mother could drop him off by thorn's house. "Why honey? And ofcourse you can! Just be home bifore 21:00 you know the drill" she said with a smile on her face making her son join the smile.

"I just wanne- hm no i think he might be bussy now heh- yeah he usualy is now-" his mother understood and drove home. At home gempa sat himself on the sofa and relaxed his eyes letting him fall in a deep sleep. "Night gempa~" his mother wisperd bifore placing a blancket over him and turning off the lights.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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