Chapter Forty-Two

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The first ten days of Milo's life were kind of a blur. There were a lot of sleepless nights that Olivia and Dominick tackled together. A few arguments broke out, but nothing that they couldn't fix after a nap or a shower. Serafina had volunteered to stay with them while they got used to raising their little boy, but they didn't accept her offer. They didn't want to relay completely on Serafina, especially because she couldn't sleep in the guest room until Milo graduates from high school.

Elliot and his family came over a few times. Kathy and the girls helped to make freezer dinners for Olivia and Dominick, while Elliot and Dickie washed and folded laundry. All the help was appreciated, especially because the exhausted new parents got some time to themselves.

"Are you sure that you are up for Christmas?" Dominick mused, as he glanced back at Olivia through the rearview mirror. She had her eyes focused on where Milo slept in his car seat.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Yesterday, I wasn't completely sure. But today I am. I promise," Olivia replied. She leaned forward slightly and gently squeezed her husband's shoulder.

"If you get tired-"

"Then I'll doze off on the sofa, just like your father does in his chair," Olivia grinned. Dominick chuckled, before reaching a hand back and touching his wife's knee.

"I really think that things are going to be good this year."

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked.

"I honestly think that my father may talk to me... Hold Milo," Dominick smiled.

"I hope so, baby."


Once they reached his parents' house, Dominick helped his wife from his car before grabbing Milo's diaper bag and carrier. The door opened before they even reached the front steps, and Mia ran out in her pink snow boots that were on the wrong feet.

"Uncle Sonny!" She screamed.

"Hey, Mia. Can you go back inside? I don't want Auntie Liv to get knocked down when you throw yourself at her," Dominick chuckled. Mia slid to a stop before the top stair and frowned deeply.


"Go in and wash your hands. I think it's time you meet your cousin," Olivia replied gently.

Olivia was just lifting Milo from his carrier when Mia ran from the kitchen, Gina trailed close behind.

"I call-" Gina started, but Mia turned to face her. Her cheeks were red as she placed her hands on her hips. 

"Auntie Liv said that I get to meet him first. I'm sorry you work, but I didn't even get to go to the hospital to meet him," Mia spoke stubbornly. Gina held her hands up and smiled at her baby brother as he moved towards her.

Gina wrapped Dominick in a tight embrace, before pressing a gentle kiss to his clean shaved cheek.

"So you are a dad, huh?"

"Yes, and I love it," Dominick smiled.

They turned to look at where Olivia was sitting with Mia and Milo. Olivia helped her niece support the baby's head and brushed tears from her cheeks when she started to cry. Today not only was Christmas but also the day Mia finally got to meet the cousin she has talked to for months. He didn't respond then, and still wasn't responding now, but she was still excited.

"Are you two doing okay?"

"Liv and I?" Dominick questioned.

"Yeah, you two. Like, are you two fine? Not fighting or-"

"We fight, but it doesn't last for long. We always make up again."

"What are they about?" Gina asked quietly. Dominick looped an arm around her waist before sighing softly.

"Dumb shit that we aren't actually angry about... In the end, I'm still madly in love with my wife even if we argue. Even if she snores worse than Pops," Dominick grinned. Olivia heard the last sentence and looked over her shoulder.

"Keep that up, Carisi. You might not need to worry about my snoring if you are sleeping on the couch."


Mia forget about opening gifts once she got ahold of Milo. Even after Gina held him while he slept and sucked on his pacifier. By the time dinner was ready, they sat at the large table and Serafina led them in prayer before the room became loud with laughter and excitement for the day. 

Afterwards, they sat together in the warm living room, the sound of the crackling fire filling the space. It wasn't long before small stacks of gifts sat in front of everyone and the sound of wrapping paper being ripped emerged.

Mia kept squealing over the new toys and pretty clothes she got. Her favorite, by far, was a homemade purple dress that her Nonna made her. 

"Do you want to open up Milo's gifts?" Olivia asked her husband, as she sat back against the sofa and snuggled her newborn close. Dominick turned to look at her before shaking his head. The gift that Olivia held in her hand was special. It may say Milo's name on it, but Serafina had made it clear it was to be opened by Olivia.

"You should open it. I can take the baby," He spoke, before gently scooping his son out of Olivia's arms. He watched her closely as Olivia slowly opened the gift. As the wrapping paper was gone and she unfolded the tissue paper, tears sprung to her eyes.

She gently ran her fingers over the soft fabric of her son's christening gown. The perfectly in line stitches that were made with so much love, along with their last name stitched on the inside hem. Olivia watched as her tears speckled the fabric that would probably be worn by all the babies she and Dominick had in the future.

"Ma?" Olivia whispered, her eyes hesitantly leaving the gown.

"Yes?" Serafina asked, lifting her eyes from where she was looking at a toy that Mia had been showing her.

The look they shared said it all, but Olivia still spoke softly, her voice shaking.

"Thank you so much, Ma. I absolutely love it. I can't believe that I finally get to see it, instead of getting updates here and there."

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