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That morning, Jake and some of the fellow MWA rosters are doing some workout at a gym.

"So, Jake. Don't you want to join other promotion within MWA?" asked FH.

"What's the differences between all those promotions?" asked Jake.

"Well, let's talk about big 4 first; MWE, RWA, QPW and Panther. Malaysia Wrestling Entertainment aka MWE is owned by Taylor and their current top guys are 2 former BulletProof members; Eastsa Shadows and Fariz Styles. Their booking styles is just like WWE" replied FH.

"Interesting" said Jake.

"That's true. Most MWA producers used to work with MWE but still, MWE managed to hire some new producers to make it still relevant" replied Alpha.

"I see" said Jake.

"Then, we have Revolutinary Wrestling Alliance aka RWA. It was run by Steve and some BulletProof top guy; which is me and my old friend; Emy. Our booking style is a mixed of various promotions especially from America like WWE and Impact" said FH then.

"But of course, Hariz used to complain how hard it is to sign with RWA" replied Alpha.

"He's part of RWA?" asked Jake.

"Used to. Before he started his professional MMA training and music band. Once he begins with those stuff, he left RWA but he still made appearance sometimes" replied FH.

"I see" said Jake.

"Then we have Quarterback Pro Wrestling aka QPW. It used to be Prest1ge's forte during stable war" said Alpha.

"Your stable?" asked Jake.

"Yes. In QPW, we run things just like Japanese promotions with plenty of tournaments" replied Alpha.

"I see. That's kinda nostalgic for me" said Jake.

"I know. You started your career in Japan after all" replied FH.

"So, what is the last Big 4?" asked Jake.

"The last one is Pro Wrestling PANTHER. It was based at the northern part of Malaya Peninsular. This is where Malaysia Strong Style begins. Their titles are called Golden Wrestling Throne; GWT and the current GWT Heavyweight Champion is Hariz. This is the only promotion other than MWA which Hariz actively wrestled since he is staying there now" said Alpha.

"Is that where he started his pro wrestling training?" asked Jake.

"That's true. The reason of why we know him is because Iqbal Brooke brought him here to add more manpower in Prest1ge" replied FH.

"Not only pro wrestling actually. He started to train in Muay Thai and Silat there too. That's why he dares to join MMA. He found 2 martial arts that suit him well" said Alpha.

"I see" said Jake.

"Other than big 4, there are several indie promotions too that made the alliance. So, interested to join any?" asked Alpha.

"Well, not now. I think I'm good so far" replied Jake.

"Fair enough" said FH. Suddenly, Hariz came in with some of his friends.

"As usual, guys?" asked the gym keeper.

"Yes" replied Hariz as he and his friends getting ready to warm up.

"Ready for the big day, bro?" asked FH.

"Yes. Sladkiy is a tough bastard. I won't stand a chance if I ever slacked off" replied Hariz.

"You will win. We have your back" said Alpha.

"Thanks. Glad to have friends that got my back. Unlike during my time in Manchester" replied Hariz before started his training.

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