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That morning, Jake arrived at Manchester. Once he arrived in his room, he received a text from his former captain; Harry Maguire that said: I heard that you are already here. Want to go and grab some drinks?

"Fuck off, mate" muttered Jake alone. Suddenly, his phone rang. He takes a look and saw Triple H name on the screen.

Jake: Hello, Boss.

Triple H: Hello, Jake. I heard that you already arrived here in Manchester.

Jake: That's true. I just arrived here.

Triple H: Good. I would like to inform you that for your match, you'll face Kevin Owens and the winner will get a spot in Elimination Chamber for the WWE title.

Jake: You want to give me such opportunity? Isn't it quite early?

Triple H: Not quite. You're not a new wrestler after all. Your feud with Kiyomiya was a headline among wrestling fans around the world.

Jake: I see.

Triple H: That's all from me. You can go and walk around if you want. Maybe meet your old friends.

Jake: Well, I don't have any here. I might just go and visit my parents and grandparents' grave later on.

Triple H: Very well. See you around.

Jake: Okay, Boss.

Then, they hung up.

Later on;

Jake walked out from the graveyard and headed to a cafeteria nearby. As he entered, he saw some players from Manchester United ladies team are there.

"Fuck" muttered Jake before quickly walked away. As he walked he heard someone call him but he ignored her and keep walking.

"Jake Walker! Can you please wait for me" said Ella. Jake then stopped and turned around.

"What the fuck did you want now?" asked Jake.

"Seriously, Walker. Can you just calm down and listen what am I going to say?" asked Ella in returned.

"Fine then. You have 3 minutes. Now talk" replied Jake.

"Look. I know that you're upset for what happened 3-4 years ago but did you really need to avoid us, your former teammates especially me, your bestfriend?" asked Ella.

"Former bestfriend. Yes, I have to. I spent enough time in prison just because a fake accusation. I don't want to return there for murdering this time" replied Jake.

"You want to kill us? Really?" asked Ella.

"Yes. But it's illegal. So, the best thing I can do is stay the fuck away from all of you. So, be grateful" replied Jake.

"I never knew that you're the type that hold grudge. You used to be a cool and fun person" said Ella.

"You and the rest are responsible creating this monster, Miss Toone. Not only you and the rest didn't try to save me, you just believe that bitch 100%. You know me since we're just a kid. Did I ever hurt you or any girls? No. But still you believed her instead of me. Whatever. I don't give a fuck about it. All I ask is for you and the rest to leave me alone. Your 3 minutes is up. I better get going" replied Jake before walked away.

Later that night;

As Jake was preparing for his match, Jake heard someone knock on the door.

"Who's there?" asked Jake.

"It's me; Steff"

"Stephanie McMahon?" asked Jake.

"No. Steffanie Newell. You know, Tegan Nox" replied Tegan. Jake then went to open the door.

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