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The foot wasn't broken so he didn't need a cast but he got crutches.

A week had passed since they experienced being no bigger than an ant. Louis was sitting out on the steps to the front door one evening looking out over the lawn. He was still a little shocked. He was glad that they had made it and he wouldn't go on any risky vacations anytime soon. He never needed to go rock climbing or spend some time in a jungle during this lifetime, that was for sure. He was grateful that they hadn't come across any animals while they were tiny. An ant or a bee could easily have killed them.

He looked up just to find Harry jumping the fence and walking over to him. He took a seat next to him.
"Hi." Louis greeted.

"How are you? How's the foot?" Harry asked.

"It's okay. I'm fine. You?" Louis retorted.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It feels like a dream, you know? A weird dream." Harry shrugged.

"Yeah. I was just thinking how lucky we were that we didn't run into any insects. Imagine the size of an ant."Louis chuckled.

"Oh, fuck. I didn't think of that." Harry said.

Harry stayed for an hour talking before he headed home. The same thing happened two days later. Louis might have ended up on his front stairs deliberately when he saw Harry through the window. They talked for another hour before Harry got up.
"Hey, the guys and I are going to the cinema tomorrow. Wanna tag along?"

"Sure." Louis immediately agreed.

"Oh, and ask your sister. It would make Niall happy." Harry smirked.

Louis chuckled.

"Mum is driving me at six o'clock. You two can catch a ride if you want to." Harry offered.

"Okay, thanks." Louis smiled.

Harry walked away but he had only taken a few steps before Louis called out to him.

Harry turned around to face him.

"Does this mean that we're friends again? Are you giving me a second chance?" Louis asked hopefully.

"You have a 30 days trial. Don't fuck it up." Harry said.

"I won't!" Louis replied.

Harry smiled at him, showing off his dimples, before he turned around again. Louis watched him leave with a huge grin on display.

Lottie was ecstatic about going to the movies. They walked over to Harry who greeted them before his mum drove them to the movie theater. Zayn, Liam, and Niall were already there. They had a great time together.

A month later he and Harry had hung out almost every day and he remembered why he fell for him in the first place. Harry was amazing.

They were laying out on the lawn watching the stars.
'Did I pass?" Louis asked.

"What?" Harry asked and turned to look at him.

"My 30 days trial is up. Did I pass?" Louis asked. The question made him nervous.

"Yes." Harry smiled.

Louis got lost in his eyes. A year might have passed but his feelings hadn't gone anywhere. He had done a pretty good job suppressing them but now they were there, boiling at the surface. He wasn't gonna run this time.
"Harry? Remember our conversation that first night when we slept in that piece of Lego?"

"How could I forget?" Harry snorted.

Louis gulped. They were laying so close, heads turned to face each other.
"Well, that hasn't changed. I thought I'd tell you this time. It doesn't mean that I expect you to still be in love with me too. I guess I'll get over it eventually. This friendship is important to me."

Harry just came closer and connected their lips. Louis gasped in surprise. Harry pulled back to look at him. Louis smiled and rolled around so he was hovering over Harry and then he kissed him again.

He got a second chance and this time he wouldn't mess it up.

The End

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