Negative energy and ..... hope ?

Start from the beginning

"What about the others then? Gojo ,Kakashi , Kugisaki and Megumi?"

" Gojo has the six eyes because of that he cannot obtain the other powers . Kugisaki and Megumi have slight amounts of chakra within them . Kakashi has cursed energy which is in a good balance to his chakra . As for how ,I helped them out here and there . Kugisaki has a lot cursed energy .I sent a bit of chakra into her and thankfully nothing bad happened. I did the same for the others ."

"Then will you be able to do that with spiritual pressure too?"

" Now ? No .In the near future ?. Perhaps. Dragoon has been able to store a bit of spiritual pressure and if I am able to increase it to a good enough amount I will be able to do the same with spiritual pressure. Before I leave, did you and your hollow make amends ?"

" Yeah , sorta . Though I didn't allow his request for him to materialise outside of my body . That sorta pissed him off and he didn't speak to me for a while ,but now we're cool "

"Well ,you should allow it ."

"He'll go insane , hell he would kill th-"

"That's what you think ,maybe just maybe he'll be more sane if we comes out "

"Perhaps ..."

"Just do it ichigo . It's worth a shot y'know "

"Naruto's rubbing off on you ."Ichigo snickered when he noted that this was the fourth time Tyson said y'know

"Hey!"Tyson huffed 

Ichigo laughed lightly with Tyson joining him 

" I will . I will talk to him "

"Will he still be there if you lose spiritual energy completely ?"

"Yeah,I've got no clue on what he did to make sure he doesn't disappear but when I asked him, more like he just answered before I could even ask ,he said ' don't worry ,king , I'll be weak for sometime ,but I'll always be there ' . "

"Creepy but reassuring , anyway I have a mission to sort out . I'll be back in one month . Be ready with some luggage. Sort things out with Shiro and let him materialise outside of you "

"Shiro ?"

" It's the shorter version of Hichigo Ogichi Shirosaki"

Ichigo snorted " not too bad . He'll like it "

" Cause I chose the name . Anyway see ya around !"

"Tyson ,before you leave .Did you know this will happen when you started sending me to other dimensions? Were you hoping this would happen?"

"Perhaps"Tyson said with a grin and wink  Before the said dimension jumper disappeared . Leaving no trace of his presence. Even the wig which was tossed to the ground had disappeared .

" Ichigo ? Where's the guy was here to check you?"Renji asked

"Huh ? No clue what you're talkin' about" Ichigo said and tuned the red head out ,closing his eyes.The faster things between him and Shiro was sorted out the better.

Renji started at Ichigo, wondering  if Ichigo was crazy or if it was him .He no longer knew .He sighed and left the room, knowing Ichigo didn't want company .

~Ichigo's Inner mind ~

His golden and black eyes fluttered open and wandered to stare into the warm brown ones which had just appeared.
'So he came... I didn't expect him to.. Not this soon.. ' Thoughts erupted within him as he stares at his king who had now appeared beside him.

"What are you doing here King? " He asked

"It's Ichigo. "

"Why must I call you that. I am nothing but your horse "

"Not that crap again, Shiro. You are my friend and my friends call me Ichigo. Please call me the same

" A Name? " He asked, surprise at the fact he wasn't mentioned as it or hollow

"Oh yeah. I didn't tell you that did I. I'm gonna call you Hichigo Ogichi Shirosaki. Shiro for short. If you don't mind " His king.. No friend said with a sheepish smile and his dominant hand scratching the back of his neck

"Shiro.. " He mumbled

After a few seconds of silence he whispered
" I like it " It was so quiet Ichigo almost missed it. Almost. His lips twitched upwards slightly as he heard but the orange head didn't smile. Yet. Ichigo was forced to do so when he saw a smile grace the features of the albino.

A smile which didn't have any hint of madness. Just simple joy. Joy because of acceptance and freedom.

He- Shiro knew now, he knew that friendship , care and acceptance can happen. He now felt a new feeling within him... Hope. And so did Ichigo.

Both of them could now hope for a much happier time forward and this time unlike before they had each other to rely on. Emotionally and physically.

They felt happiness and hope surge within them. A pleasant silence lingered between the two as they sat comfortably in each other's company

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