C12; Ups & Downs

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*Looks like we got a split screen with one showing Royal Woods & the other showing Great Lakes City. Tuesday morning shows Stella & Sid worked together on building a special panini press that can make your specific taste in a sandwich. All of the skaters tried them & found it had in fact been cooked to their preferences.*

LINC: These are really good guys.

STELLA: Thanks. *She kisses his cheek.*

RONNIE: I think I had an amazing idea!

*So they had some fun selling some sandwiches & using said money at an arcade. As for the Louds, they kept the Protocol going & were helping out their dad at Lynn's Table. All was fine, until Lana accidentally bumped Lola, causing both twins to start fighting in a fight cloud.*

LS: Girls stop!

*The others try to stop them, only to get sucked in. This causes them to throw food everywhere, hitting many customers around them causing many to leave unsatisfied.*

MAN: You're getting my dry cleaning bill!

WOMAN: I'm never coming here again!

LS: Wait, no!

*Because of this, LS decided to shut the place down for the rest of the week, knowing reviews online will heavily drop the restaurant's rating.*


*We find the Skaters & the Royal Woods couple going to a minigolf course, despite Lincoln not wanting to be reminded of Lori, but he didn't want to dampen the mood. All of them were at the tricky eighteenth hole & Sameer messed up his shot, causing it to fall into the water.*

SAMEER: Dang it! In the water again!

NIKKI: Your turn Lincoln!

LINC: (Here goes nothing.)

*Lincoln smacks his orange ball towards the windmill & manages to sink a hole in one. This was shocking. The owner congratulated the hooded lad & gave him a coupon for a free round, which he gave to Laird, seeing as it would expire by next month. As for the Louds' Wednesday, they went to visit their Pop Pop, hoping maybe he'd help calm the girls down.*

RITA: Hi dad!


ALBERT: There's my family! Hey, where's my little double?

LS: Uh... Out with friends?

ALBERT: *Concerned.* What did you do?

LS: It's more of what me & Rita didn't do...

*As Rita explained the situation, the girls played shuffleboard, only to get even more angry when losing to one another. What stops them from getting into another fight cloud is the fact Albert yelled in shock as he stormed out.*

ALBERT: I can't believe you would let them do THAT of all things!

LS: I know, but the girls-

ALBERT: And you girls should know better!

RITA: Dad, please calm down.

ALBERT: Leave.

RITA: But-

ALBERT: I don't want to see or talk to any of you until you make things right...

*That actually hurt, more than angered them. If anything good came out of this, Scoots was hit with one of Leni's shots.*


*It's a quiet day for the GLC kids as they all did their own things with Lincoln playing with the Casagrande boys & Stella working with Sid on a new project.*

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