C5; Wrecking Wednesday

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*Another day at Royal Woods Middle School shines down. LJ finally made it after jogging to school & saw many tweens & teens were either annoyed or upset.*

LJ: Did I miss something?

*Answering her question is a banner on a wall that fueled her with some rage.*

LJ: "Chocolate of any kind is hereby banned from school. Any student caught with chocolate whether eating or throwing will be serving a week of after school detention!?" Why would our Principal allow this!?

*Interrupting the jock's train of thought was the Royal Woods Action News broadcast. Clyde had a grim look on his face, while Stella was forcing a smile.*

CLYDE: Breaking news. If you haven't heard, chocolate of any kind has been banned from the school grounds! If you have problems about the ban, blame those who threw their chocolate at my best friend! Now we go to Word in the Halls with Rusty Spokes.

*After some time later, the news show was finally over & everyone was packing up their equipment. Then Lincoln then 'speaks' up.*

PHONE: Why did your dad call Principal Ramirez?

CLYDE: I told them what happened to you & they wanted to do something to make things easier for you.

*Suddenly busting in was Rusty & Zach, who held the door. Banging comes from it as they can hear a certain someone snarling from behind.*

LJ: Principal Ramirez told me everything! When I get my hands on you McBride, you'll be sorry!

*Strangely, Lincoln wasn't afraid. He then cranked up the volume on his phone & began typing.*

PHONE: You are aware a teacher can see you acting this way & report your behavior to her, right?

*This causes the jock to calm down & look around as many kids look down right afraid of her. LJ then gives the door one frustrated punch, which causes Zach to go flying & landing on top of Lincoln, then she takes her leave.*

RUSTY: Welp, you're dead.

PHONE: Don't worry Clyde, I already know what to do. We better get to class.

*After packing everything up, the tweens all separated for their classes. Most of the News Team was a little worried for Clyde's safety. If anyone else found out it was his dads who called, he'll need to have a shovel ready.*


*Lincoln came home prepared for many things & the moment he entered, he saw an enraged LJ was waiting for him.*

LJ: Because of your friend, I have to follow this new rule!

PHONE: I doubt you even care why the ban was made.

*The hooded boy then walks past LJ & up the stairs. That was no doubt a mistake as the jock looked ready to chase after him, but was stopped by the rocker.*

LUNA: Don't.

LJ: But-

LUNA: I'll talk to him.

*As Lincoln was about to enter his room, Lola tugged on his pant leg.*

PHONE: What?

LOLA: I got a pageant coming up in three days & I need my coach!


LOLA: No? What do you mean no!?

PHONE: I am busy.

LOLA: With what? Your dumb comics & games can wait! This is more important, it's the state finals & I need to look good!

*That remark causes Lincoln to turn & he gives her a glare. He then continues to type on his phone.*

PHONE: You will lose your looks the moment you hit puberty!

*The princess gasped at that remark. She wasn't the only one who was shocked, Lincoln still had the volume up on his phone, which he realized. This causes Lola to get upset & stormed off enraged with the other sisters coming up the stairs.*

LUNA: Bro, what was that all about!?

LORI: You better apologize to her right this, or I'll-

PHONE: What, turn me into a human pretzel? Be more original, why don't you.

LORI: You little-

PHONE: Oh go talk to your boyfriend, like you always do. I got homework to do.

*And just like that the hooded boy enters his room & slams the door shut. The girls were flabbergasted by this.*

LORI: Tomorrow we're having a sibling meeting.

LENI: But what if he doesn't want to talk or show up?

LJ: We'll make him!

LUCY: I don't think that will help.

LUNA: Lucy's right, he's been trying to avoid us every way possible.

LANA: So... whose room am I sleeping in tonight?

*Lori sighs & takes her young mechanic towards her twin's room to gather her things for the night, also readying herself for a night of farting & face kicking. I think we all need a change of scenery now.*


*All the way in Great Lakes City, we find the former bully Ronnie Anne Santiago laughing as she's in a group chat with her skating club as Sid showed her a monkey stuck in the bars at the zoo.*

RONNIE: Oh man, that's priceless!

*Sameer then replied with a photo that's been the talk of Royal Woods recently. Laird thought it was gross, Casey stated the kid's luck, Nikki put in a blush emoji, while Sid was amazed with a blush emoji following after. Ronnie however was frozen in shock & then left the chat to ponder what she just saw. An entire hour later, Bobby knocked on the door & then entered concern for his younger sister, even more so when he saw her expression.*

BOBBY: NieNie, what's wrong!?

RONNIE: Please don't tell me this is who I think it is...

*Ronnie showed a blurred image of a mud coated red face streaker barely able to cover his crotch. The white hair was a dead give away who this streaker was. Bobby was so shocked, he didn't even notice Sergio resting on his head to look at the photo. The parrot's laughter snapped both Santiago siblings out of their trance, only to fall due to Bobby moving & getting kicked out by the tough girl to shut him up. The older Santiago immediately ran out & was heading for the door, when Ronnie Anne stopped him.*

RONNIE: What are you doing!?

BOBBY: I gotta get to Royal Woods, Lincoln needs me!

RONNIE: I'm coming with you!

BOBBY: No, it's a school night, Mom will kill you!

RONNIE: What about you!?

BOBBY: *Sighs.* We'll call him tomorrow after school.

*The skater girl nods to agree with that idea. To get a whole answer, Ronnie Anne plans to talk to him tomorrow. Let's just hope he's willing to talk to her.*


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