C7; Fickle Friday

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*The school bus drove along & the Action News Team were all discussing their plans over Spring Break & that's when Lincoln told them of his chat with Ronnie Anne last night.*

PHONE: Would you guys like to come with me?

CLYDE: I'd love to, but I'm going to a family reunion in Hazeltucky next week.

LIAM: I gawt ta handle the farm work.

RUSTY: I'm gonna be working with my dad at the Duds for Dudes for the whole week. Dad wants me to be prepared when I take over the family business.

ZACH: And my family is going out to look at alien sightings.

STELLA: Um... I don't mind going. I'll have to ask my parents first.

PHONE: One friend is better than none.

*The bus arrived at the middle school & everyone got off. Stella blushed knowing her plan was coming up. But she had to do this. Not just for herself, but for Lincoln. Let's just hope all goes somewhat well.*


*It was time for the news & everyone was watching. The intro finished & everything was going normal. Clyde reported about Spring Break coming up & how everyone was excited for some time off. With Rusty's new segment, no one could shut up about how they're gonna spend their vacation. (With only a small few still bringing up what happened to Lincoln.)*

CLYDE: And now Liam with the weather.

LIAM: Yes sire, next week looks like a real hoot for those travelin'. Not a single drop of rain to be found, only partly cloudy skies. Over ta you Stella.

STELLA: Thanks Liam. Before we end our show, I have something important to say. Lincoln, please come forward.

*The hooded boy was a bit nervous, but Clyde motioned with his hand to do so. The moment he got there, Stella stood up & walked in front of him to hold his hands.*

STELLA: Lincoln, I've always remembered the good things you've did for me; You were kind to me the first time we met on the bus, you helped me get my music box back, you & the others were there for me when I had problems giving public speeches, & you always try to make things right, even if it means you might get the short end of the stick. I had all of last summer to think & this sums up just how I feel about you...

*The tall Filipina then lifted Lincoln's hood to look at him much to his dismay & what happened next shocks everyone watching; Stella kisses Lincoln on the lips. Many of the other boys in the newsroom were surprised, while Rusty had a hint of jealousy. LJ unfortunately saw it & looked ready to kill someone as she ran off. After breaking the kiss, Stella flipped Lincoln's hood back over, & then faced the camera with a look of confidence.*

STELLA: That's right. I like Lincoln Loud & I don't care who knows! Have a hoppy day.

*Zach, still with a shocked look on his face, turns the camera off. All of the boys there had no idea what to say. That's when a familiar voice spoke up.*

LINC: What just happened?

*Now their attention was set on Lincoln, as they haven't heard his voice since last week! Addressing the subject at hand however was Zach.*

ZACH: You have feelings for Lincoln!?

STELLA: Y-yeah... Lincoln, ever since I got to know how kind, caring, & sweet you are... *Blushing harder.* I didn't know when was the right time to confess, mainly because I was worried this could break up our friend group. But after everything that happened this week... I thought maybe now could be a good time.

Bittersweet LoudNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ