C11; Love Song

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*Monday morning in Royal Woods sure was noisy on Franklin Avenue. The Loud sisters enacted a Sister Fight Protocol, a volcano threat level that started on Saturday. To be clear why this is happening is simple; The girls blamed each other for why Lincoln is acting this way & Lori blames them for the thought Bobby might break up with her once more. Of course, LJ leaving that voicemail sparked more fire to the inferno. And the candle on top of this bad day is Lincoln's room is locked, so it can't be used for a cool down spot, causing more fights to break out. Both parents came out the moment the girls left for activities or hanging with friends to get something to eat.*

LS: To think Lincoln caused all of this...

RITA: Are you seriously blaming him for this?!

LS: *Sighs.* You're right. What are we going to do? Spring Break just started & I can't get to my restaurant with the girls acting like this!

RITA: We just need to wait it out, they can't stay mad at each other forever. Lincoln on the other hand...

LS: Well we need to figure something out, I don't know how long I can take this!

*All of a sudden more arguing came from outside, meaning the parents needed to rush back to their room before they got in the crossfire. Let's see how Lincoln's doing.*


*We find the hooded lad, his girl Stella, & the skate club all at the skatepark. Lincoln was trying & failing to ride a skateboard, even with Stella's encouragement. Speaking of, she & Sid were both discussing invention ideas, only for the tall Filipina to rush over when Lincoln fell once again.*

RONNIE: Maybe stick to a bike.

LINC: Yep.

SID: Let's head to Gino's, I could go for a pizza right now.

SAMEER: I could eat.

CASEY: Same.

NIKKI: What're we waiting for?

STELLA: Laird?

*Speaking of, Laird walks out of a porta-potty with hand sanitizer & they all head out for a bite to eat.*


*The hooded lad walked with Stella side hugging as the others walked around them as they all made it to the popular pizza place. They all enter & sit down at a booth as a waitress hands all eight tweens menus. As they wait, Sameer notices something on the wall.*

SAMEER: Woah look at that!

CASEY: What, that couple feeding each other?

SAMEER: No, the poster above them!

*Everyone looks up at the poster & sees it's for a karaoke night tonight here at Gino's. A prize for a month's worth of coupons will be given for whoever wins the crowd over with their singing.*

CASEY: Yes please!

NIKKI: No way I'm doing that!

RONNIE: That makes two of us.

LAIRD: I don't think I sing that well... But what the heck, I'm in!

SID: Oh I'm definitely entering.

STELLA: You wanna enter Lincoln?

*Deja Vu sinks into the white haired boy that's interrupted as they all hear obnoxious laughter from two boys at a table nearby.*

BOY 1: Look at this mud coated kid streaking!

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