The Beginning Of Freedom

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"Reason exists solely for those who must cling to it for survival. Now, let us the edge of all reason." - Sōsuke Aizen

Air blows past the deck of the bullhead, whispers of the wind that caress the ears and eyes of many. The cloudless sky hangs in the sky above, the limit of humanity's reach and impact laid out bare for the world to see. The engines roared dully, drowned out by the quiet chatter of the hundreds of students on board, all both eager and nervous for the arrival at Beacon.

All except one.

In the corner of the bullhead sat a peculiar student, one who gave off a different air than the rest. She was a young girl, skin pale as a vampire and eyes sunken and hollow. Her ivory hair sits in an off center ponytail, held together by a silver tiara. Her outfit was all white, a long sleeved jacket and matching leggings with black buttons and shoes. Her face was stuck permanently in a frown, cold and calculating eyes shimmering with a dark cerulean.

This girl was Weiss Schnee, the daughter of Jacques and Willow Schnee. The heiress to the Schnee Dust Company and perhaps the most dangerous person aboard the bullhead. Her eyes shone with the wit of a timeless soul, analyzing each and every one of her potential enemies.

'All aboard this ship are nothing but sheep, brainwashed fools who cling to reason and reality. Only I have seen the truth, and with all of my hard work, it will soon come to pass.' Weiss couldn't fight the giddy grin gracing her lips and the thought of her creation. The Hōgyoku sat in the center of her chest, only visible if she were to remove her jacket. It was a small, purplish-blue orb that pulsated with unimaginable potential. Well, unimaginable to all except Weiss. Weiss knew what she had brought into this world, and it was perhaps the most world changing innovation since dust itself.

The Hōgyoku, or "breakdown sphere" was an invention first begun by her late grandfather, Nikolas Schnee. Nikolas had always been both wise beyond his years and completely insane, so when she had first happened upon his diaries, she had assumed it to be nothing more than mindless conjecture. But then, she kept reading...

And she discovered the truth.

Her grandfather had been no ordinary man, he had been a reincarnation of a shinigami. His journals detailed the world of the "Soul Society" and the "Hollows and Soul Reapers" giving expansive information of each of the subjects. Weiss had taken it all in with wonder, completely enthralled by the tales of a realm so divine.

But then it came to her grandfather himself.

She did not refer to him as Nikolas anymore, no. She now knew him as his true name, none other than Sōsuke Aizen. The journals had detailed his past plans and ambitions, the absolute reckoning of ultimate machiavellianism. The idea that abiding by those you know as weaker and primitive led to stagnation and mindlessness, the proposal that the world was merely a subjective plane, destined to be shaped by those who dreamt of a world that should be, rather than what it was. Her grandfather had detailed his master plan for this ascension, the Hōgyoku, a divine device that would allow the master of its power to transcend both Hollow and Soul Reaper and to bring forth the death of god and all who upheld his word.

A pang of annoyance went through her heart when remembering the end of her grandfather's tale, one of defeat and imprisonment. His transcendent power confined to a world of darkness, stuck for twenty thousand years. Even helping in a war hadn't made him seem more favorable, but it seemed that the time had allowed for the Soul Society to develop a way to kill her grandfather.

The journals had explained to Weiss that Aizen had become immortal after fully merging with the Hōgyoku, and that the Soul Society had been forced to develop a way to fully kill him for good while he was imprisoned. Weiss had shed a single tear at the end of his tragic tale, cast from the heavens and reincarnated into her human grandfather.

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