Chapter Two: Possibility

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---------------------------     April 14th, 1991    | ---------------------------      7 : 3 4  P M   | --------------------

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     April 14th, 1991    |
      7 : 3 4  P M   |

I'm scared.

My surgery is tonight, it sounds so dangerous...cutting me open to get a tumor out of my most vital organ. My heart.

I feel sick, as I have been for the past two weeks. I'm so weak because of fear and stress. I never wanted to ever think that at my young age that I would be dealing with this.

With the possibility of getting cancer...a tumor is already a lot, but cancer?

God, it's terrifying.

There is so much I want to do with my life! I'm a coward though, so I most likely will not do a majority of it.

"What a shmuck..." I mutter under my breath, sighing as my eyes slip shut, I'm trying to not think about it, but it's hard when it is so impending. Looming over me like a helicopter parent and getting closer with each minute.

I have a notebook in front of me, with a list of things to do before I die. A bucket list. It's not much, but one is a daunting task that I may never do.

Confessing to Bruce.

Which will be hard. I've hid my feelings from him and the other band members for so long...but it may be more difficult now that I have to hide now not only one but two secrets from them.

I'll tell them I'm sick...sooner or later.

Just not now.

I get up from the couch and leave my apartment building, making my way to my car so I can make it to the appointment on time, hands shaking as I try to find my car key on my key ring.

I unlock the car door and get in, closing it behind me, buckling up, and putting the key in the ignition, the car starts with a soft purr. I sigh and back out of my parking spot.

The highways aren't busy at this time of night in Brooklyn, so the ride to the hospital was smooth like butter.

I already told the band I'd be taking a week or two off because I am 'visiting family' and they believed me. I park in the hospital parking lot, get out of the car, and make my way to the big doors.

It's an ominous feeling that I have...but I shake it off and go inside, the woman at the front desk has brunette hair that is pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head, and thick glasses perched upon her hooked nose. She looks up at me, hazel eyes piercing into mine.

"What is the purpose of your visit?" she asks, her voice is firm. The words shake in my throat.

"I-i'm Paul Caravello, I'm here for a s-surgery appointment..." I stumble out, she narrows her eyes and looks down at the stacks of paper on her desk. She turns to a bulky cube computer, her fingers dancing along the keyboard keys as they clack loudly with each character she types, her glasses slip down just a little as she side-eyes me.

"I see. Well, Mr.Caravello, I will have a nurse come right away and take you to your room so you can be prepped for surgery." she says, using her pointer finger to push her glasses back up before she turns back to her paperwork and picks up a pen, writing on the papers.

I sit down on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs, my hands fidgeting out of nervousness, I look around at the five other people in the waiting room, two are older people, one is a little kid, couldn't be older than 2, with his mother. And the last is a teenager, who is staring at me like I hung the stars.

She must be a fan. Don't get it twisted, I love my fans! But, now is not the most ideal time for me to meet one...

A door opens "Mr and Mrs. Pöllönen? Your daughter wishes to see you. She had a healthy baby girl." the older couple slowly get up with happy grins on their faces as they follow the nurse back.

Now there are three people left.

Not even a few minutes later, a different nurse calls back "Katherine Hall?" the mother picks up her son and goes back, the door closing once again. I mess with a strand of my hair as my anxiety grows more and more.

"Paul Caravello?" my head snaps up and I nod, getting up and walking over to the nurse, her blonde hair shining in the fluorescent lights.

"Come." she waves a hand and leads me down the winding hallways, to the elevators and we get in one, she pressed a button for the 6th floor. The doors close and my eyes get stuck to the green tiled floor.


The doors open and she leads me to a room tucked away in the back, the sign above it reads


I feel a shiver run down my spine as she takes me in.

"The surgeon will be here soon. Just get ready, there is already a gown provided, get ready." she turns around and leaves. She did not seem to like me...

I shake my head and strip down to my boxers, getting the gown on over them and sitting down on the small bed.

It felt like hours had passed before the surgeon and a team of doctors came in, along with an anesthesiologist.

"Lie down." one of the doctors says, I do as told a lay down flat on my back. They put a sheet over my body, just under my collarbones before a mask is put on my face.

"Count down from 100"

"100, 99, 98, 97, 90....6..." My eyes slip closed as I begin to feel drowsiness overcome me.

Then I wake up in a room, my eyes narrowing as I try to get used to the light in the room. The door opens as a doctor walks in.

"Well Mr.Caravello, the surgery was a success! As you know though, you have to stay here so we can monitor your condition for the next few days." I nod, my whole body still feels tingly and numb.

"You are going to feel strange for a few hours because of the pain medicine we gave you. It is best you get some rest now though." he closes the curtains and flips the lights off, leaving the room.

It's gone...?


I Cry At Night ~ BrEric ~ Bruce Kulick x Eric CarrWhere stories live. Discover now