Part 15-making up

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Elithiana stood in the entrance of her and Lilith's room. Lilith lay there with the blanket pulled over her head, the bear Elithiana had gotten her beside her. Elithiana felt so guilty for upsetting her, she wasn't sure if Lilith was awake but she decided she needed to try.
      "Lilith?" Elithiana said quietly, not wanting to disturb the girl if she was sleeping. After a few seconds the blankets shifted as Lilith's head popped out, her eyes puffy and red.
      "If youre here to talk about what happened earlier, I only wanted to help you! Please don't yell at me anymore. I've heard enough." Lilith said, staring Elithiana.
      "No, that's not-.. well. kinda. I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Elithiana said, sitting on the bed beside Lilith, facing her. "I shouldn't have shouted at you, I understand that you were only trying to help. Thank you for helping." Elithiana sighed, slightly frustrated at the fact she didn't know what to really say.
      "I just wanted to protect you, you're always protecting me, and I just feel like I should protect you, too. You put so much pressure on yourself to keep up a strong front and to protect everybody. I only wanted to take some of the pressure off of you. You don't need to protect me all the time, or pretend like you aren't bothered by things. It's okay to show your emotions, you can cry if you want to, I will never judge you or think less of you, Elithiana." Lilith said, staring into Elithiana's heterochromatic eyes, smiling softly at her.
       "What? Thats not what I'm saying, I just was apologizing for not appreciating you as much as I should." Elithiana replied, confused.
       "No, I know that. I'm just saying something I've wanted to for a long time, while we're putting our feelings out on the table right now." Lilith said, smiling slightly in an attempt to lighten the moment.
       "I- um, ok?" Elithiana said confused, somehow oblivious to the fact that Lilith just explained it exactly. Lilith sighed and leaned in, pressing her lips to Elithiana's softly. Elithiana blushed, pulling Lilith closer to her. After a moment the two broke apart.
       "You are forgiven." Lilith said, cheerfully. She  laid back down, dragging Elithiana down with her, "Now just forget it, and get some sleep. You need it, and so do I!" Lilith whispered, as she pulled the blankets back up over them and closed her eyes, snuggling into Elithiana. Who laid there for a moment, still slightly confused. She did not understand Lilith and her emotions very well. Elithiana pushed it out of her mind, closing her eyes and falling asleep nearly instantly. Lilith was right, she really did need some sleep. She did feel a bit sad that they had never been able to finish what they had started earlier.
When Lilith awoke Elithiana was gone. She laid there for a moment before ultimately getting out of bed. She looked down at her same old dress that she always wore, as it hung from her body.
"I need some new clothes," She declared to herself. "and a job of some sort.." She sighed, opening the door and walking out. There was a delicious aroma coming from the living area, it overwhelmed Lilith's senses. When Lilith made it down the hall, she found Florian and Amren sitting on the floor eating some kind of pie.
"Morning, Lilith!" Florian said, turning to her and smiling. "I made some blueberry pie, went out and picked them myself! Feel free to help yourself!" He smiled, pointing to the rest of the pie on the table.
"Oh sure, thank you!" She replied, walking over to get a bit of the pie. "Woah! Its so delicious" She exclaimed, taking a bite as she sat down beside Amren, patting his head. "Where'd Elithiana go?" She asked, looking a Florian, cocking her head to the side a bit looking like a curious animal.
"She went to the city to find some work, and get a few things!" Florian replied.
"Oh, ok! When did she leave??"
"Probably about an hour or two ago."
Lilith nodded and continued eating her pie with a massive smile on her face.
      "It really is super good!"
      "Thanks a whole lot!!"

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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