Part 12-Captured

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      The prince stood at the door, listening as the person on the inside neared and finally opened it, revealing an elf with dark hair, Elithiana. 

      "Can I help you?" She said, emotionlessly, assessing the man in front of her. She contemplated whether she should just slit his throat now. 

      "I am searching for my daughter," Edward said, staring down at the elf girl, he remembered how the man had mentioned she murdered his friend. How could this little elf kill anybody? "Her name is Lilith." 

      "Haven't met her." Elithiana begins to close the door, but the prince stops her by putting his foot in the door. Elithiana narrowed her eyes at him, she had the urge to stab him. Amren coming to her side and baring his teeth at Edward, threateningly.

      "I have been told differently, where is my daughter, elf?" The prince said, pushing the door open. Just then, Lilith came walking down the hall, curious as to why Elithiana hadn't come back to bed yet. She looked at Elithiana and Amren, then to Edward at the door. 

      "Uh, what's going on, Elli?" Lilith questioned, slightly worried. 

      "Nothing, go lay back down, Lilith, I will be there soon." Elithiana said, keeping her eyes on the man in front of her. 

      "Lilith! It's me, I am your father, you can finally come back home now. Your mother is worried sick!" He says pushing the small elf out of his way and walking inside, earning growls from Amren. Lilith stared at him, then her gaze shifting to her girlfriend. Elithiana reached for her blade on her thigh, but Lilith gave her a disapproving look that told her to stop, which Elithiana decided to obey and let her hand fall to her side. 

      "Well, there is no reason for her mother to worry," Elithiana said, "She is perfectly fine, now kindly, get out of my home. Before I make you."

      "Silence elf." Edward said, walking towards Lilith, Amren sitting in front of her protectively, forcing Edward to stop if he wanted to keep his legs. "Lilith darling, come on home. I am sorry I have never been present in your life, but that can change. You will live the life you deserve, my dear. The royal, lavish life, you and I, in my castle. Please, you must come home." 

      "Castle?" Elithiana questioned, her gaze shifting from Edward to Lilith and back again.

      "Yes, castle," Edward stated, "I am the prince of Mayburn and this girl here is my daughter. You are a murderer; you are not fit to be in her company. But, if you both come back with me, I will forget this, and you, elf, can be free, and my dear Lilith can have the life she deserves."

      "No." Elithiana said, "I will not go anywhere with you, and neither will Lilith."

      "Of course, you would say that. Elves, thinking they are something special simply because they have big ugly ears." Edward said venomously, turning to Elithiana. 

      "Elli's ears arent ugly!" Lilith exclaimed to Edward. 

      "Of course not, dear. Now gather your belongings, I shall get you away from your abductor. We must go home, now." 

      "Elithiana didn't abduct me, I love her, she's my girlfriend!" Lilith spoke loudly, her eyes locking with her fathers. 

      "Excuse me?" Edward said. "MEN! GET THE ELF" Edward shouted after a moment, and a group of 5 men of the royal guard ran in grabbing Elithiana, knocking her out. "And the mutt too." He ordered one of them, who grabbed Amren, hitting him over the head knocking him out as well. Lilith squeaked, terrified. She just stared as her father grabbed her by her arm, leading her outside and to his horse. 

      "What are you doing?!" Lilith finally said snapping out of her trance, realizing what was happening. She watched as the men threw Elithana on the back of one of their horses, and Amren on another. Edward mounted his steed and outstretched his hand in order to help Lilith on, setting her behind him. "Why are you doing this??"

      "The elf has brainwashed you, darling. She murdered someone and abducted you and has tricked you into thinking that you love her." Edward said, making Cassidy gallop towards the path back to Mayburn, his men following behind him. Lilith looked at the unconscious Elithiana, then to unconscious Amren, tears streaming down her face as she held on to her father. She felt guilty for this, if she had just stood up for herself in the tavern all those days ago Elithiana would have never had to kill that man and help her. Lilith sighed. 

      Over the course of the two-day trip, they did not take a singular break, until they reached the castle, in Mayburn City. Upon entering the castle, Edward ordered the guards to take the elf and mutt to the dungeons. After they got sent to the dungeons, Lilith wasn't sure what to do, she couldn't fight any of these guards since she wasn't strong and they were trained their whole lives, so what little chance she might have had faded at that realization. Lilith, still unsure to do got pulled out of her thoughts by her father ordering an elf servant to show her to where she would be staying. Lilith paused as she took in the boy, pointy ears, grayish blue hair, one blue and one red eye, he reminded her of Elithiana. As he silently led her to her new room, Lilith asked the boy, "What's your name," he stopped walking and turned to her. 

      "My name is Florian, ma'am, and I will do whatever you need," the boy said as he bowed. Lilith paused for a moment, swearing that she's heard that name before, and then it clicked. This was Elithiana's younger brother, Florian, she had told Lilith about him before, vaguely, but she had. They stopped at the door, Florian opening the door for Lilith. "I have other duties I need to attend to, but if you need me there is a bell, ma'am." He started to walk away, but before he could do so Lilith pulled him into her room and said in a low whisper,

      "Florian, I know your sister, Elithiana." His eyes widened as Lilith said this. He had thought his sister was long dead, for a while now. He had assumed when father sold her away, she had either died or worse. 

      "How? Where is she?" Florian whispered back, excitedly. 

      "She is my..." Lilith considered her words carefully, knowing that what they really were was not socially acceptable by many. "Friend, she helped me a while ago, and we have been together ever since. My father found us, and he threw her in the dungeons for 'kidnapping' and murder. Please, help me get her and my wolf out of there."

      "Yes ma'am." Florian nodded; a look of determination painted on his face. 

       "You don't need to call me ma'am," Lilith said, "We are friends, now." She held her hand out to him. Florian took it and shook it carefully, nodding his head at her. 

      "Meet me in the dining hall at midnight," He whispered before sauntering away, glad that his sister was alright. 

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