Part 2-Elithiana's Story

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I stood on the edge of the small plot of land once owned by my family, what used to be a small shack, with roaming chickens, a creaky floor, with a slumped roof, now reduced to nearly nothing. The old boards rotting, the roof almost completely sunk in, I want to cry, but I can't. The tears well in my eyes but I push them back, father would never approve of my tears. I take a step forward towards the broken shack.

"Florian!", I call out my little brother's name, but I get no response. For a moment I fear that my father had thrown him away, just like me. Of course, he would not do that, Florian was his prized little boy, father wouldn't sell him away. Even though Florian is my brother by full blood, we are nothing alike, if you ask my father. In reality, he is, Florian and I have always been alike, I raised him, he has no other person to model himself after. Only thing that is different is our genders, and that's all father sees.

I reach my old home, hoping to find some kind of evidence for where they could have gone. There must have been a storm since I've been away all these years, 7 years is a long time. I feel my stomach turn at the thought of what happened all those years ago. I had begged my father not to take the offer, I told him I would do more work, I cried to him, and he slapped me. How pitiful I was, on the ground, 14 years old crying my eyes out begging my father not to sell me to the men in black. But who wouldn't sell their annoying little daughter for 20 gold when you can hardly scrape by? The corners of my mouth rise slightly at the thought that the home couldn't survive without me.

I put my hand against the outside of the shack, my family never had much. This shack was everything, where my brother and I grew up, where mother had taught me how to read, and where she died, and after where I taught Florian. Mother never had a funeral or a wake, father said we couldn't afford it. He had just dug a hole and threw her in, burying her from the world. My mother always liked trees, so I took it upon myself to plant one there. I remember one day in early November in the days leading up to mothers' death she had called me in her room and told me this,

"Elli, listen darling, I know I am going to die soon, there is no going back. I know you will be sad, and Florian too. But death is not something to be afraid of, I have made peace with this. I want you to take this necklace, my mother made it for me when I was young, in a time before i met your father, it will protect you. I want you to grow up, live a fulfilling life, get married, to someone you truly love, always protect your family. I will always be with you, so never be afraid. one more thing darling, give me a sense of life". A few days later, she died. I had asked her what that meant but she just smiled and waved me away. I figured the tree would be the most fulfilling thing to do, so I, only 5 years old, but remembering my mother explaining how plants are alive and give us oxygen to live, I waddled out the door after father buried her and with a little seed, I had found in mothers bed, I planted it where she lay now forever.

I stare at the wall, feeling hot tears stream down my face. I decide to let the tears fall, usually I would wipe them away, cursing to myself for being so weak, but I am alone. I am free, I can do whatever I please. Mother told me to never be afraid. I took my hand off the wall and touched the necklace that hung around my neck, my lucky charm and my talisman. I decide to turn away, mother had told me to grow and live a life, so I will do just that. I will find Florian and we will be happy. I will leave this old life behind me and live my own life; the past will not hold me back anymore.

I walk down the path to the capital of Mayburn, Mayburn City, maybe I can find Florian or a lead on where he may be. I trudge down the path, the moon high in the sky. I finally make it to the city; I search around nearly bumping into a group of men with long beards and hoods over their heads. I decide I don't want to be out here at night and slip into a tavern, as I walk in, the bartender catches my attention, she has beautiful red hair like fire, and green eyes that shine in the candlelight. I turn away and find a table in the back corner, sitting there by myself watching the candle flames dance.

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