! ii. firework show<3

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   "nah, it's fine," said itto, brushing it off. "the one and oni numero uno arataki itto refuses to be bothered by a petty bit of food!"

   "itto..." sara sighed. yoimiya and ayaka let out a laugh as thoma was still thinking about the time that he passed out during the hotpot; his face had went slightly green and he forced himself to drink some juice to avoid remembering the burnt fried radish balls.

   there was one final scene: it was an entire group photo, everyone's arms around their shoulders as they smiled brightly. [name] sat there, motionless. the firework show had filled her with so much happiness that she didn't even notice itto stealing a chip from her Lays sour cream & onion bag. she looked up again. "hey, itto, did you just steal my chips?!" she yelled, watching itto trying to eat them quickly before having to endure [name] chasing after him. this made even sara twitch a smile, and despite her 'cold' demeanor, her heart really was in the right place.

   "sara smiled!" yoimiya gasped, cupping her friend's cheeks before sara pushed her away in embarrassment.

   "forget about it," sara murmured, just as the two returned from their cat-and-mouse game. they had missed the event and didn't see sara smile. ayaka had photographed that scene and smiled to herself as she sent it to the groupchat.

   a ping came from ayato and thoma's phones as they opened their groupchat and their jaw dropped. "what?!" thoma yelled. "that's a once in a lifetime experience!" the others' notifications were turned off for the firework show so they didn't hear the little ping.

   "shh!" sara shushed them out of embarrassment. "let the others find out for themselves." she didn't mind that ayaka photographed her smile, she actually loved that her other friends got to see her smile, which was rather rare.

"well, isn't this something," said [name], finally deciding to open her phone after the firework show had ended. she showed the image to itto, who had nearly fainted from surprise.

"WHAT?!" itto had yelled, once he checked phone. "YO, SARA! DO YOU SEE THIS?!"

"yes, it's me smiling," sara deadpanned.

   "you know, you should smile more, it makes you look nice." itto's voice was rather soft, and the others admitted that they had to agree. that made sara's lips twitch upwards again, and once again she smiled. thoma managed to photograph it before ayato snatched his phone away from him and edited the smiling sara in a boba tea costume with a captain saying, 'sara as boba tea 'cause we love boba tea and we love sara :)'.

sara checked her phone again as her eyes widened. her friends were really one of a kind.

   "that was so fun!" [name] yawned, as yoimiya nodded, also yawning. "I loved how well we worked together, right yoi?"

   yoimiya flashed her a smile and a wink. "come by my house if ya wanna make fireworks with me again!"

   [name] sweatdropped. "I will, but let's make a less-difficult firework next time. these took me hours."

   that made the group laugh as sara and itto combined the firework recordings while editing it, finalized it, and sent it to the groupchat. [name]'s eyes danced as she watched a few minutes of the show.

   "by the way, let's have a sleepover," thoma suggested. "and no, ayato, you can't use the kitchen. don't step near the stove like last time."

   ayato frowned playfully and dramatically put a hand over where his heart was. "how very rude of you!" ayaka hit him playfully and ayato slurped his boba tea loudly, much to everyone's laughter.

   [name] photographed a group photo of them at yoimiya's house, all smiling and, in their pajamas(they had brought some in preparation for the sleepover, as they had planned it throughout the day). thoma, in a sleeveless tank top and pajama pants, had caused itto to chuckle loudly because he had never seen thoma in pajamas. [name] recalled a scene where ayato was cooking at her house and he nearly burned the place down until thoma came rushing in, still in his pajamas, to help put out the fire with ayato's hydro sword. that made thoma turn red at the scene, especially with [name]'s compliments about how good he looked in a sleeveless shirt.

   "come on, trust me! you looked great!" [name] tried to reassure him, as he shook his head, his face as red as his pyro vision.

   "the fact that I had to turn up at your house when I haven't even changed out of my pajamas yet..." the group had to use ayaka's cryo vision to create a cold breeze to cool him down, as his face and body had gone actually as hot as his pyro vision.

   "such a shame he didn't know that he looks decent in pajamas," said ayato, shrugging as he stirred his boba tea.

   they got the sleeping arrangements: ayaka, [name], yoimiya, and sara in a room, and ayato, thoma, and itto in another room. they had sleeping bags except for yoimiya who slept in her bed. when she insisted that they slept on her bed and she slept on the floor in a sleeping bag, they had objected, saying that it was her house and that she can do exactly the normal things that she does there.

   the night had been so fun. the girls spent most of the night telling stories to each other about a few secrets that they had. ayaka had a particularly funny one where the teacher gave her a 50 on the test but really was trying to do her in, because ayaka had checked her answers and they were all correct. she had never told anyone about this because the teacher blackmailed her.

"that horrible teacher," sara frowned. "I'm going to make his family go bankrupt."

   "sara, there's no need," ayaka sweatdropped. "besides, I couldn't care less about his blackmail; he'd never be able to take my family legacy down, it's much more macho than his."

   "for real," [name] said happily, sipping her cup of hot milk. it helped her sleep at night sometimes when over at a friend's house. tomorrow was tuesday, but they had the day off as it was a teacher workday.

   "anyways, goodnight everyone!" said yoimiya, as she dimmed the lights, leaving only a soft night-light that resembled the shape of a seashell and made the room flourish with hints of baby blue.

"night," the others replied sleepily.

   in the other room, the males were having a pillow fight, until one by one, they dropped asleep, each of them hugging a pillow.

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