Chapter 5

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Michael ran as fast as he could to get to the cafe. He didn't want to be late or keep Niko waiting if she was already there. Letting her down is the last thing he wants to do. He started to lose steam when he saw her just walking up to the door. "Niko!", he called out. Niko turned and smiled. Michael slowed to a halt. "Looks like we got here at the same time", Niko said. Michael nodded, "Yeah, we did". They heard a distant boom of thunder. "We should get inside, here", Michael said opening the door. "Thank you", Niko said walking in. Michael followed and shut the door.
The two ordered what they got the first time meeting and sat at a window table for two, notably in the same spot. "Soooo how was your night?", Niko asked, drinking her coffee. Michael debated on what to say for a second before saying, "It was good, couldn't sleep again but it was fine". Niko frowned softly and said, "After we leave you'll sleep, right?". Michael lightly blushed at that question. She actually cares about his sleep schedule. "I'll try, promise", he said. Niko softly smiled and nodded, taking more sips of her coffee. Michael drank his as they talked. He didn't want to bring up what happened and where he was actually last night, but he had to keep it a secret in order to not worry Niko. 

"Hey, Niko, do you want to actually come over with me for a little bit?", Michael asked. Niko nodded. She was done with her coffee now, and Michael took his last drink. They discarded their cups and left. Michael lead Niko to his house and once they got there, he unlocked the door. "After you", he said. Niko walked in and Michael followed, closing the door behind her. He then leads Niko into the living room. "Have a seat", he said. Niko gently sat down and Michael sat next to her. The two continued their talks from the coffee shop, before long Michael asked, "Hey, do you remember when I asked if you were seeing anyone?". "Yeah, why?", Niko asked curiously. Michael took a breath. "It's because I like you, Niko. I know, we just met, but I can't stop thinking about you, ever since we first met you were on my mind. I'm sorry if this is sudden and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but you mean a lot to me and I just wanted you to know". Niko blushed and smiled. "Michael, that's so sweet", she said gently bringing a hand up and against his cheek. Michael softly gasped and smiled as his face turned red. He leaned in and tilted her head up to him so he could kiss her. Feeling his lips against her, Niko melted into the kiss and kissed back. 

Michael gently pinned Niko on the couch during the kissing.  Niko's breath hitched and she went redder. This is as far as Michael's going to take this. It's too early for them to get to the next level. Michael briefly broke the kiss and started kissing her neck. Niko's body fully relaxed during this. This is her weak spot, and Michael could tell based on how her body was reacting. He kept the kisses soft and gentle. Sometimes, he'd bite down, though gently. This would make Niko gasp and squirm a little bit. Michael held her close as he did this and after 10 minutes, he pulled back, softly smiling. Niko's face was red and she was incredibly relaxed by the end of this. Michael cuddles her gently and softly whispers in her ear, "I hope my short chocolate-covered strawberry liked that". Niko blushes heavily and nodded, awkwardly smiling up at him. Michael moved off her and Niko sat up and scooted closer to him. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her, holding her close to him. "I love you...", she said shyly. Michael beamed and replied, "I love you too Niko". The two spent the rest of the afternoon together, until 4 when Niko had to leave. Michael walked her to the door and they shared one more kiss before Niko left. Michael sighed and shut the door, smiling as he prepared for Night 3.

"Immortal": A Michael Afton x Female MC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now