Chapter 4

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 It was soon time for Michael to go to his second night. As he was going down the elevator, he was thinking about two things: Niko and what the second night would be like. His thoughts were broken by HandUnit going, "Welcome back for another night of intellectual stimulation, pivotal career choices, and self-reflection on past mistakes. We are committed to creating a unique and fulfilling work experience. One part of that commitment is ensuring you don't get tired of the voice that you're hearing right now. Using the keypad below, please select a new companion voice". While Michael was listening, he accidentally tapped on the pad. "Fuck-, he groaned. HandUnit said, "It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. Thank you for choosing Angsty Teen". Michael sighed, "It'll all be over soon, I can go home and see Niko soon, just got to get through this night". When the elevator stopped, the angsty teen voice kicked in. "The elevator stopped. You know the routine. You can get out now or... whatever. You can stay here if you want.", AngstUnit said. Michael shuddered and just got in the vent and crawled to the vent. "So... funny story... a dead body was found in this vent once. Okay... not that funny. But it's a story!", AngstUnit said. Michael looked horrified hearing this. "The fuck did my dad do now-????", Michael screamed to himself. 

 He soon got into the Primary Control Module. "Ok, let's start with your nightly chores. You should check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage but... whatever.", AngstUnit said. Michael sighed and pushed the button. He didn't see Ballora. "Huh, I guess Ballora has better things to do. Let's zap 'er! That should be fun.", AngstUnit said. Michael just didn't ask anything out loud. He just zapped, though when he did, there were strange garbling sounds. "Uhhhh are you okay?", Michael asked out loud. "Let's check on Funtime Foxy, make sure he's ready for show time tomorrow.", AngstUnit said. Michael did, and then strangely, AngstUnit sounded different, saying, "GREAT. GREAT. GREAT.". Michael looked disturbed. HandUnit's default voice came back. "There seems to have been a problem with the voice synthesizer. Default settings have been restored. Please proceed through the vent ahead of you to Circus Baby's Auditorium.", HandUnit said. "I'm done with this already-", Michael muttered as he went through the vent and to the Circus Control Room. HandUnit said, "Circus Baby had a busy day today! Let's check the light, and make sure she's in proper working order.". Michael just stayed quiet, pressing the light button, shocking Circus Baby, and then checking on her. "Let's try another controlled shock", HandUnit said. "Freaks...", Michael muttered as he tried to shock her, but it didn't work. 

 HandUnit said, "There seems to be a power malfunction that is affecting our ability to properly motivate Baby. Please stand by, while I reboot the system. I will be offline momentarily during this process. Various other systems may be offline as well, such as security doors, vent locks and oxygen. Commencing system restart.". "God damnit-", Michael groaned. There was a female voice saying the vents were opened, and then Michael suddenly heard a new voice, sounding a little high-pitched and soft. "I don't recognize you. You are new. I remember this... scenario, however. It's a strange thing to want to do, to come here. I'm curious what events would lead a person to want to spend their nights in a place like this... willingly. Maybe curiosity, maybe ignorance... There is a space under the desk. Someone before you crafted it into a hiding place... and it worked for him. I recommend that you hurry though. You will be safe there, just try not to make eye contact... it will be over soon. They will lose interest. Michael went under the desk and into the crawl space. He reached and pulled the metal sheet in front of the opening and just silently prayed. He looked around, hearing steps. He froze seeing a blue eye and hearing what sounds like a child like Circus Baby say, "Hellooooo theeere".

 "I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die", he said to himself. He looked around more, once again spotting an eye that went away after 5 seconds. "Someone is inside... is this the same person?", the child's voice whispered. Michael shivered. He could hear metal clanking. "Knock knock..", the voice said before the door started to open. Michael quickly started to try to close it back, succeeding. "Not today, Satan!", he screamed to himself. "We always find a way inside...", the demon child said. Michael was tuning that out with his own thoughts, mainly about Niko. He saw the door was opening and went to close it back, not wanting to die and wanting to see Niko in the morning. His grip nearly slipped but he got it back shut. "She's watching us" set him into a slight panic. Who's watching them? Relief flowed through him when he heard it whisper, "We have to leave now.. we will see you again soon". More clanking sounds can be heard. The familiar girl's voice came back, "When your guide comes back online, he is going to that he was unsuccessful. That you must restart the system manually. He will then tell you to crawl through Ballora Gallery as fast as you can to reach the breaker room. If you follow his instructions, you will die. Ballora will not return to her stage anymore. She will catch you. The power will be restored shortly. When you crawl through Ballora Gallery, go slowly. She cannot see you and can only listen for your movement. When you hear her music become louder, she is growing near, listening for you. Wait and be still". 

 There was a distorted sound and then HandUnit came back, saying, "Thank you for your patience. It seems that the power system cannot be restarted automatically. You will need to restart the power system manually. Please return to the primary control module". Michael just internally screamed as he got out and went through the vents, wanting to leave and just see Niko. When he got back in the PCM, HandUnit said, "You will now be required to crawl through the Ballora Gallery using the vent to your left to reach the Breaker Room. It is recommended that you stay low to the ground, and reach the other side as fast as possible as to not disturb Ballora. I will deactivate myself momentarily, as to not create an auditory disturbance. Deactivating". "YOU WANT ME TO GET KILLED HUH HANDUNIT?!", Michael exclaimed before sighing and going through the vent. An AI woman's voice said, "Ballora Gallery Maintenance Vent Open". Michael just silently cursed and crawled through the gallery. He heard her music box and singing. Despite feeling uneasy, he kept going. "It seems you are taking a long time, please proceed as quickly and quietly as possible", HandUnit said, and Michael thought, "Deactivated my ass". He kept going and saw her spinning in front of him. He froze until she passed. Her singing stopped. The music box was faint.

 Sweet relief came when he heard, "Motion trigger: Breaker Room" when he walked in. He sadly heard HandUnit's voice say, "You may now interface with the breaker control box. Using the interface may disrupt nearby electronics. If you feel you are in danger, feel free to disconnect the interface temporarily, until it is safe to reconnect". He immediately heard what can be described as a child on helium say, "Calm down and go back to sleep, nobody's here". That for some reason made him less tense than already. He restarted Circus Control but had to stop because of the danger level. "Go back to your stage, everything is okay", the helium child said. He quickly got the Circus Control online and disconnected. "Everything is okay, let's go back to sleep" and laughing mixed with, "Well hello there" and, "I think it was just a mouse" was heard. When he saw Funtime Freddy was back in the back, Michael went to start more restarts but had to disconnect. "Bon Bon, say hi to our friend!" and, "Nobody's here!" was heard. Now Michael knows the names of the two, and Bon Bon was the Bonnie puppet. "It's bedtime, let's go back to our stage", Bon Bon said as Michael failed to restart. It chuckled, "You must be hearing things, silly". Michael had to rapid-fire restart Circus Gallery.

 "Calm down and go back to sleep, no one is here!", Bon Bon said. It felt like forever but he finally finished the restart. HandUnit said, "Great job. This completes your tasks for the night. Please proceed back through the Ballora Gallery with care, and we'll see you back here tomorrow". He sure as hell ran out and crawled through Ballora Gallery. He heard a new voice ask, "Is someone there?". Michael froze before continuing on. "I can hear someone creeping through my room", Ballora said in her hushed tone. Michael just prayed while he crawled, hearing Ballora say, "Perhaps not". He made it out of the Ballora Gallery and felt rejoiced as he left, hurrying now to meet up with Niko, money already in his pocket.

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