Chapter 3

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 Michael smiled as he walked down the sidewalk to the house. Niko was on his mind and she couldn't leave. He soon arrived home and just decided to watch TV, and spent most of the day doing so. It was soon 4 in the afternoon, and Michael ended up falling asleep. The phone suddenly rang, and that caused him to jerk awake. He quickly got up and went to answer the phone. "Hello?", he asked. A familiar voice came from the other line, "Michael?". It was Niko. Michael softly smiled. "Hey, did you look for this number in the phone book?", he asked. "Yep, is that creepy?", Niko answered. "Honestly, a little bit, but don't worry", Michael said, "Anyways, how are you?". "I'm good, just bored and wanted to talk to you, was this a bad time?", Niko replied. Despite her not being able to see him, Michael shook his head and said, "No, I was just dozing off, you're good". 

 The two ended up talking for 20 minutes, one would talk at one point and the other listened. "Hey, did you already eat dinner?", Niko asked at one point. "No, why?", Michael asked. "Do you want to maybe go out to eat?", Niko asked. Michael thought, "This isn't a date, this isn't a date, this isn't-", before saying, "Sure, it's a date", going red after realizing what he said. Niko chuckled and said, "Okay, see you at Larsen's Frostop in 20 minutes?". "Sure, see you in 20", Michael said. The two hung up and Michael thought out loud, "I better not fuck this up". He got up and hurried out the door and to Larsen's. It took 15 minutes to get there, and he was looking around to see if Niko was there. Sure enough, he saw the pink-dressed girl standing by the door. He smiled and walked to her, saying, "Hey Niko". Niko looked over and smiled. "Hey Michael!", she exclaimed. 

"Did I keep you waiting? I'm sorry if I did", Michael said. Niko shook her head. "Don't worry, I got here a few minutes before you did". Michael smiled. "Here", he said opening the door of the restaurant. Niko walked in and Michael followed. The two were in there for about 40 minutes before emerging at 4:39. "Hey, do you want me to walk you home?", Michael asked. Niko smiled and nodded, "Sure, follow me". Niko lead Michael to her house, and they stopped at her porch. "I had fun tonight", Niko said. Michael replied, "I did too, hey uhm.. can we see each other again tomorrow?". Niko smiled and said, "I would love that". Michael paused before saying, blushing lightly, "Hey, is it okay if I.. oh never mind". Niko softly frowned. "Go on, you can tell me", she said. Michael took a breath. "Is it okay if I kiss you...?", he asked softly. Niko blushed heavily, smiled at him, and nodded. Michael smiled and leaned down to kiss her. 

 Feeling his lips brush against hers, Niko softly kissed back, while Michael held the kiss for a minute. Michael broke the kiss. "I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable, I just wanted to do that since earlier". "I'm not uncomfortable, and it's okay, I liked it, though if we're going to try something with us, I want to take it slow". Michael smiled and nodded. "Okay, so tomorrow morning, do you want to meet at the cafe like we did today?", he asked. Niko nodded and replied, "I would love to". Niko unlocked her door and said, "Later cutie" as she walked in and closed the door after Michael replied, "See ya honey" and walked back home before his second night.

"Immortal": A Michael Afton x Female MC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now