Hope Weasley and the Ghost Girl book one

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Hope Weasley and the Ghost Girl Book One is up

You have met Alexandra Lupin... You have met Rosanna Black... and now you have met me. Alexandra Weasley, not that anyone has ever calls me that. I am Hope. Simply Hope... a normal girl apart from the fact that the first five years of my life was actually one year. I am in no way a normal girl... I am... well special... or so the Ghost Girl tells me.

Follow the story of Hope, you may remember her from this story? Well here she is telling us about the Ghost Girl... not only that but she as to deal with being the daughter of the girl who came back from the dead and brought back people from the dead... or as she is more commonly known in the future, The girl who cheated death.

This story takes place five years after the end of the war and Hope is no longer an only child, as you may remember she has her six year old brother Lyall, her younger twin sisters Georgina and Fiona and then little innocent Freddie... wait, no Fred Weasley is innocent, even if he is only two years old!

And then there is the mysterious ghost girl... do we know who she is or no? And what sort of magic makes a ghost girl?

Find out in Hope Weasley and the Ghost Girl....

Waking Up (Sequel to Helpless Dreams)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora