Six Years Later

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After the war Hope began to age normally. She went to kindergarten, made friends... she had a fairly normal childhood... Even though on holidays we made stops at graveyards and St Mungo's.

After the war I had four more children, my oldest son was named Lyall Remus Weasley. After Lyall was born I had my second daughter who we named Fiona, not that Fred will ever know why our daughter was named Fiona... then there was her twin Georgina, who we named after George much to his anger... and our amusement... and finally Fred Jr.

Today on August thirty first 2004 I sat in the chair beside the hospital bed. My sisters tired eyes laid on me and her face was hollow. Her hair fell limply onto her shoulders and she had gotten dark circles under her eyes. Over the past six years she had aged possibly 20. Her hair was grey and thinning... but I could still tell she understood me... or at least I needed to tell myself that.

"Well Isabella, I am starting to feel old." I told her jokingly, "I know, I am only 25 and when people see Hope they will think I had had her in my early teens..." I brushed my hair over my shoulders, "Hope couldn't come today... she is a total freak about what to bring to Hogwarts... I remember feeling the same way, but of coarse that was totally different."

It hurt to talk to Isabella like this, it was like just listening to my own voice but she was my sister... and I knew I needed to see her, not just for her but for myself. I was the only one to actually live after the war. She had broken after she lost her sister and her uncle... but only Sammy died in the war really... I took my sisters hand.

"I shouldn't stay very long today..." I said sadly, "I..."

The grumpy healer on this floor walked in on the room without knocking, something I knew they were supposed to do. "Visiting hours are over." She said snippily, when I made no move to leave she spoke again. "You have to go."

"Can't I just have five more minutes?" I asked her in a pleading way, the healer narrowed her eyes at me.

"No! Now get out!"

After a few minutes of arguing with the healer I left with a louder bang then usual. It seemed like after Voldemort had died all of my powers had grown... something I knew was most likely the doing of Fiona, my great great great something grandmother.

I was greeted in the porch of my home by five kids, all barely taller then my knees except for Hope. Fred followed the stamped into the porch and pecked my lips softly, there was a throat cleared behind him and my father and mother entered not long followed by the rest of my family.

"How was the visit sweetheart?" My mother asked me, my fathers arm was wrapped around her waist and she was trying to be motherly but she had a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, like I often did... and still do from time to time.

"Awful, that bloody healer kept me from her for an hour then only gave me ten minutes with her again." I said grumpily, I then shock off that feeling and said goodbye to everyone. I looked to Fred.

"Hope... um darling, me and your mother need to talk to you before you go to bed." Fred said looking to our daughter's retreating back, "Um... the rest of you go to your rooms."

He took my hand in his and lead me into the next room, "Mum, dad... is this about what I think this about?" Hope asked us, "I know not to tell anyone unless I really do trust them..."

"No Hope... this is about the war." I said weakly, she looked shocked. We had never really talked about it... not with the kids... they knew of their aunts and what happened to them but that was the just of it. I took a deep breath, "And my past.

"There was once a small girl without a care in the world. She had her twin brother, her mum and her dad and she was happy... but then that all changed." I said as if reciting a fairy tale. "She was no longer Rachael Malfoy. She soon became, and I mean in the course of a train ride to Hogwarts, became Rosanna Black... and from there she fell head over heels..."

"In love with me." Fred said grinning, "But we had no normal childhood. Not even a year after your mother and I started dating she fell into a coma no one thought she would wake up from. But she did and she was bloody brilliant... no joke."

"Not even a week after that I found out I was pregnant with a small baby we would call Alexandra Ginevra Molly Hope Weasley... or Hope." I said brushing her red hair out of her face, "But she would age fast... when she looked maybe a year old I was kidnapped..."

"Your mum put me through hell."

"Fred!" I scolded, he pecked my lips softly and was all forgotten, "But the thing is, this whole time I was special... Like you... visions and voices clouded my head... and a prophecy was made saying only one of my and my sisters would live through the war... and that I had to save those who died."

"Your mum was hit with a curse and she was dead..." Fred said, he was shaking at the memory but I kissed him. This may seem a horrible way to tell anyone what happened at the war... but we had no idea what we were doing...

"Then I wasn't." I was not quite ready to tell anyone about Fiona... not unless they directly asked. "And your father was."

"Your grandmother came back... but the person who killed your mum was not about to be brought back... your aunt Samantha... with the loss Isabella went mad..." Fred told her, I let out a sob at the mention at my sisters. I had lost most of my blood family that night.

"You may hear this stuff at school... and that is why we wanted to tell you Hope... we should have told you sooner... but you technically were only like a year old, even if you were physically five and mentally like 15... you were brilliant."

Hope gave us odd looks... "The girl already told me mum... dad..." She said confused, our eyes widened.

"What girl Hope?" Fred managed to breath, I was shaking at fear of dark magic.

"The ghost girl."

Well, it is up to you if you want another book after this... I have a few ideas but I don't want to post it if no one will read it... before I publish I plan to finish The Werewolves Twin which is about Alexandra Lupin (Black) and how she fell in love with Sirius and how their lives were in their youth.

Thank you so much for reading these book... If you have any questions about the book please ask...

THIS IS THE LAST PART OF THIS BOOK... If there is a sequel I will post info later on.

Thanks again...


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