"Is it stupid of me to want to save you?" Decha spat venomously. He was angered by the insult. He didn't even want to point out the stunt she pulled. He wondered why she thought he was being foolish for wanting to help her.

"I think it's stupid that you're acting selfish!"

"Me?" Decha chortled bitterly. "How am I acting selfish? Do tell."

"The Sectors need you!"

"You need me!" Decha retorted. "Do you realize how bad your condition is getting, Rory?"

"I'm very aware of the pain my body is putting me through." Rory crossed her arms. "I can't let you do this. I won't let you do this. It's very selfish of you to want to save ONE person rather than to save the Sectors you swore to protect."

Decha rammed into the glass. The sound of it cracking made him stop. Decha wanted badly to break down the door, but he didn't want to risk breaking all the glass and hurting her.

"Rory! Please! Open the door!"

"No!" Rory refused. "You have a job to finish!" Rory gestured to her hands and pointed at his gloves. "I'm not going to have any operation until you've done what you're supposed to."

"You need the surgery!" He growled. "You'll die without it!"

"Then you'd better hurry."

"Stop acting like a child and open this door before I—"

"When I upgraded your gloves, I programmed it to transmit a tracking device onto anyone who attacked you. You should've received a signal by now!" Rory whined.

Decha narrowed his eyes. It explains why the coordinates popped up suddenly in the middle of the night. Rory didn't understand just how much she helped with her upgrade.

Decha began typing onto the keypad next to the door, but every code he entered was wrong.

"No matter what you do, the doors won't open. I reprogrammed the entire system in the infirmary to follow my orders." Rory wiped another tear. "I'm the only one with the key."

Decha growled and rammed his fist into the wall. It startled Rory, but she stood her ground.

"What's going on?" Jessica approached from behind. "Why are you shouting?"

"She locked herself in!"

"What?" Jessica sprinted over to the keypad. "No! Rory, what are you doing?!"

"I'm doing what's best for everyone," Rory frowned. "He knows what he has to do,"

"Can you override the system?" Decha mumbled to Jessica. Jessica was busy entering codes and being denied entry constantly. She didn't hear him the first time. "Mom, is there a way to override the system?"

"I don't know!" Jessica seethed. "Rory, sweetie, if you keep yourself locked in, you won't be able to have surgery!"

"I know that," Rory agreed.

"She's lost her mind," Decha groaned and stepped away. He was going to have to figure out another way for the door to open. If they couldn't override the system, then maybe Jamison knew the code. He knew her best.

Decha said goodbye to his mother and left to go to Strout's apartment.


"Decha—" Jax began, but he was quickly cut off before he could finish his sentence.

"Where is he?" Decha stormed into the hidden apartment. It was the most furious Jax had ever seen him. Decha's dark eyes were very dilated.  And his face was redder than a beetroot.

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